Connect Magazine | Page 8

Being a SAHM While carrying my son peacefully in the womb for nine months I dreamed of nothing but lovely beginnings for us, filled with relaxing nursing sessions, skin-to-skin bonding, and magical afternoons spent rocking in the nursery. But my entrance into the world of motherhood was far from the dreamy vision I had conjured up. It was turbulent and traumatic. Stressful and depressing. 8 inside of me. I began to evolve and become the totally new women I was always meant to be. My son, who will be two in September, is only going to be little for so long.The pudgy newborn feet transformed into bouncy toddler toes quicker than I could think. This time in our life together is but a blip. A strange and wonderful space where time moves both leisurely and swift, and if I blink I’m afraid I will miss it. Never again will I get these moments where my son reaches for my hand and wants me to walk with him through the woods. He signs for “milk” and wants to nurse while reading books in my lap. His long eyelashes blink and twinkle as he stands at the window watching his daddy outside. His tiny little voice squeaking “uh oh” as he tosses rocks into the ocean. How could I choose anything else but that? A planned for natural birth resulted in an unnecessary cesarean after a very long labor riddled with interventions and poor treatment from the hospital staff. My first few hours as a mother are forever lost in a sea of sleep and pain. When I woke from the surgery, my baby was in a plastic box on the other side of the room. I barely remember the first time I held him, wrapped tightly in the scratchy white hospital blanket, as he cried out to be nursed. My uterus was stitched back together but it felt like my heart was split wide open. I can’t imagine being anywhere else but with this little boy who grew inside my body. We were Our first few months were rough, as we struggled one that became two, he and I. I’m constantly to breastfeed and I fell into a depression. I found overwhelmed with how much I can love him, myself wondering time and time again why I had how m