Connect Magazine | Page 34

ng School Starti My dear little girl started school last week. She was so eager, so keen to get back to the world of children her age, of educational toys and singing, snack time and home time. Shrugging off 6 weeks of lazy mornings and playing dens with her little brother, picnics and bickering. She impatiently posed for the iconic first-dayat-school photo, tugging at the sleeves of her new red cardigan. Then raced down the road, shiny shoes carrying her to the place she’d been promised all summer. It was such chaos. Children and parents squeezed into the tiny cloakroom, none of them sure what to do. Each peg had a picture of its new owner dangling from it, taken during their first taster session, looking a bit reluctant and unsure. I hope they change those soon. They reminded me of newborn pictures, taken the minute she was born. Such an earth-shattering moment, her tiny face so distressed - where am I? Newly emerged from the mother-world that reaches to the very tips of the unborn universe, only to discover there is more than you ever imagined She wasn’t sure as we approached the door. there could be. She hesitated and drew in close to me, I held her hand for reassurance. A point of contact, The first time I heard my daughter’s heartbeat, pressing her fingers into my palm. I hug her via a trumpet-shaped doppler device, I imagined close, so we don’t miss each other too much, that heartbeat pumping rhythmically through that’s what we say when we are going to be the rest of my pregnancy, through cutting her apart. It always amazes me just how far apart it’s first tooth, through every nap and tantrum, bapossible to be, when once we were part of the boom ba-boom ba-boom, on the morning of same body. Even the other side of the road feels her first birthday, ba-boom ba-boom ba-boom, distant in comparison. tirelessly tapping out the same tune on her first 34