Connect Magazine March/April 2017 | Page 21

Now you may be reading this and saying , “ Wait a minute . I check my phone constantly and I am just fine ! It helps me be more productive . I couldn ’ t do my job if I didn ’ t have my cell phone .” And that is very true . Cell phones have become integral in our day-to-day lives . It helps us in the real estate industry do our jobs more effectively and efficiently . We can open locked doors , sign contracts , and photograph listings all with one hand tied behind our back . But perhaps your use of your cell phone actually decreases your productivity at times . Maybe you find yourself answering texts , tweets , and emails at all hours of the day and night , even when it means interrupting other things you are doing . Or maybe you find yourself mindlessly checking your phone many times a day even when you know there is likely nothing new or important to see . One could very easily get distracted with the millions of apps available that essentially transform our cell phones from an invaluable tool into a time vacuum . This constant usage of a cell phone has various psychological effects and can be a toxic source of stress if not properly balanced .
Nomophobia is linked to a multitude of disorders including : insomnia , depression , obsessive-compulsive disorder , and anxiety , and it can even create relationship problems . Some experts liken cell phone addiction to that of an Internet , gambling , shopping , or video game addiction that leads to severe impairment or distress in one ’ s life . Numerous independent studies and reports all come to the same conclusion of how damaging this behavior can be to one ’ s health . It is time that we begin a practice to not only give our full attention to our customers , but also to our families and colleagues !
Which leads us to ask , how do I cell phone detox ? Well , you could start by putting the phone down and adhere to these four tips :
1 . Create Time Boundaries- Designate certain times of day with no phone , like the first 30 mins of your day and stick to it .
2 . ‘ Face-Time ’ - When you are with a real person , engage with them in real live communication and provide your undivided attention without distraction .
3 . Turn Off Unnecessary Alerts / Notifications - You don ’ t need to be notified every time someone “ likes ” the picture of your croissant you had for breakfast .
4 . Do Not Sleep With Your Phone- Buy an alarm clock and keep your phone away from your bed .
By following these simple steps , you can harness the power of the cell phone becoming a more balanced businessperson while continuing to argue with strangers and look at cat pictures in healthy moderation .
Bio : Nicholas Bejelis is a graduate of the M . S . program at FGCU with an extensive background in finance currently serving on multiple committees within the Royal Palm Coast Association .


• 66 % of the population suffers from nomophobia .
• 72 % of people report being within 5 feet of their smartphones the majority of the time .
• 67 % of people sleep next to their smartphones .
• 77 % of people ages 18-24 are nomophobic .
• 68 % of people ages 25-34 are nomophobic .
RPCRA . ORG | MAR / APR 2017 21