Connect-ed Issue 47 February 2019 | Page 11

Video: Creativity in the Classroom ( in 5 minutes or less!) In her video, Catherine suggests that some schools and teachers employ learning styles that don?t challenge students, the equivalent of handing students a piece of paper with a set of questions on it ? is the answer A, B or C ? this can condition children to think only within a limited framework, not drawing from their own creativity sensibilities. As Catherine points out, whilst real world challenges are not always open ended, they do not rely on A, B or C answers but more on the innovativeness of today?s youth. To foster creativity in our students Catherine suggests that we tap into their natural creativity and try to remind ourselves and our students that we all have the potential to be creative, and hopefully our students can be the innovators of tomorrow. Sir Ken Robinson, in his video titled ? Do Schools Kill Creat ivit y?, elaborates on this idea, stating that schools themselves are not doing enough to develop creativity in students. We highly recommend you watch his video above in which Ken emphasises the need for schools to nurture creativity, allowing students to reach their full potential without fear of failure. Nord Anglia prides itself on its unique approach to learning and the ambitious ways we enable our students to be more creative ? whether taking risks and failing, or taking risks and succeeding, we want our students to understand that they themselves have the ability to deviate from their normal curriculum to come up with ideas and processes which could help not only their peers but those of future generations, too! TED Talk: Creative Thinking ? How to get out of the box and generate ideas, by Giovanni Corazza When we ask our colleagues, students or employees to ?think out of the box?, we often forget how challenging this can prove to be! Often our natural safe place is to think ?inside the box?, making decisions based on rational thought process. Giovanni Corazza states that we need to learn how to leave the box, where to go and how to get back inside. Why should we leave our comfort zones in the name of creativity, risking our reputation in the process? We have spent years learning what other people have thought, discovered and created; this, combined with personal failures and successes make up the area of our mind in which we live: our comfort zone. We need to understand that the inventions and ideas we encounter daily have come from individuals who were once in the exact same position as they are ? someone who was living ?inside the box? and hadn?t yet taken that first step towards leaving, or as Corazza terms it, divergent thinking. So, how do we take that extra step? All inventors had to start somewhere, and some of the world?s most creative minds failed many times before becoming successful! Nord Anglia?s philosophy is Be Ambitious, and this is exactly what we want to be. So, let?s remind ourselves that there is no shame in failure, and as the old saying goes ?if at first you don?t succeed, try, try again?!