Conference News Supplements CN Christmas Supplement July/Aug 2017 | Page 14

14 Christmas Dear Santa… Christopher Cashman, sales & events manager at LSO St Luke’s says what to include on your Christmas checklist Yule never believe it • 5 glasses of wine are knocked back by the average female party-goer. A man will have 11! • 6 % of us have spilled drink over a colleague at a Christmas bash and the same number have revealed something embarrassing. • 45 to 54 is the age group most likely to get amorous at the Christmas party, according to travel website • 11m of us will go to a work Christmas party • 265m pints of alcohol will be knocked back by Brits in December • £740m is the total cost to business for the UK’s hangover after Christmas Define your vision It’s important to pin down what it is you are trying to achieve so that you always have a vision to refer back to. Whether you want to create an intimate event, or a more elaborate statement event, narrowing it down at the early stages will save a great deal of time in the long run. Set a budget Setting your budget at the outset is a crucial first step and will help determine what type of venue, catering and entertainment is within your price-range. It’s a good idea to consider what the most important expense is and allocate accordingly. Always keep a reserve in case of unexpected costs. Source your venue early The venue is usually the first port of call for planners and can often be the most costly element of the event. This should be the first thing on your planning list as venues book up fast and knowing how much you’re spending will give you a clearer idea of what the overall budget will be. Create an atmosphere A great way to create a sense of occasion is through the use of a theme. Consider setting a dress code to intensify the communal aspect of the party but don’t feel that you can’t add your own little twists too. Ensure safety and security A venue needs adequate security provision. Ensure there is ample security staff on hand for the number of guests and staff are briefed and equipped to deal with any issues that arise. First aiders should also be on hand to provide immediate medical attention. Everyone should be made aware of the nearest fire exits and evacuation procedures. Staff should be aware of safe alcohol consumption protocols as well.