Conference & Meetings World Supplements Canada AI Supplement | Page 9

Canada how advanced these AI capabilities are. Many projects are in the extended research phase and many are focused on medical applications. The intelligent artifi cial limbs program is a collaboration between AMII and the BLINC Lab. It is an interdisciplinary initiative focused on real-time Machine Learning methods for assistive rehabilitation and intelligent artifi cial limbs and biomedical devices. The Adaptive Prosthetics Program explores methods for real-time prediction, adaptive control and direct human-machine interaction. Technologies developed include the Bento Arm and the HANDi Hand. The University of Alberta’s SMART Network researchers claim to have produced the most advanced prosthetic arm in the world. Not only does their robotic limb move almost exactly like the real thing (researchers say the ‘fi ngers’ could eventually play the piano), but it can analyse data from the wearer and predict the movement the person needs next. And there are cutting-edge heart procedures involving hardly any cutting developed at the Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute. Surgeon Jeevan Nagednran has created Western Canada’s fi rst dedicated program for ‘closed chest open heart surgery’ using camera equipment and inserting through a tiny hold between a patient’s ribs. Compared to cutting through the sternum, it is a technique that drastically reduces recovery time for patients. There is also a new artery-opening procedure being taught already and scalpel-free brain surgery, thanks to new gamma knife technology, which can reach complex brain tumours. Another AMII project is the Arcade Learning Environment, which uses older gaming platforms to help facilitate the training and testing of AI agents. Historically, many AI advancements have been developed and tested through games such as chess, poker and, most recently, Go, which offer controlled environments with easily defi ned measures for success. Games also give researchers a concrete and relatable way to demonstrate AI to a broad audience. DeepStack creators in Edmonton claim it is the fi rst program capable of beating professional poker players. Other programs developed at the institute include: Diagnosing Tuberculosis (TB): This program for improving the way TB is diagnosed is highly accurate because of its use of medical imaging rather than manual labour. Enhancing Cancer Care: This is a program for Machine Learning diagnosis, prognosis and treatment plans. It helps radiologists recognise abnormalities and also provides automatic feedback to help the learning experience for students. The system also uses past patients as a model to help determine a plan for future treatment analysis. AI will help create patient specifi c diagnosis and treatment. Meerkat: This is a social network analysis and visualisation for interpreting complex networks of information and examining their patterns. CONFERENCE & MEETINGS WORLD 9