Conference Dailys TRADETech FX Daily 2018 Wrap-up

TRADE TECH FX THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF TRADETECH FX EUROPE 2018 | WRAP-UP ISSUE D ai l y Industry told to adhere to Global FX Code or face regulation F oreign exchange (FX) market participants have been warned that a failure of indus- try-wide adoption of the Global Code of Conduct could lead to further regulation. A panel of speakers at TradeTech FX in Barcelo- na, who have been heavily involved in the estab- lishment and development of the Global Code, told delegates that adherence is imperative despite how little or how many of the Principles apply to individual firms. “The process of adhering to the Code will be different for each market participant,” said Adrian Boehler, co-head co-head of FXLM and commodity derivatives at BNP Paribas, and member of the Market Participants Group that ...Continued on page 10