Conference Dailys TRADETech Daily 2018 | Page 21

THETRADETECH DA I LY this investment vehicle. Cost and the rise of multi-asset trading clearly also plays a large part in this growth story. Many of our investors are using ETFs as a cost-efficient way to implement active strat- egies, whether on the building block strategic side or as part of the tactical asset allocation THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF TRADETECH 2018 example, and the increase in performance on the ETF side when comparing them to the gross return indices. What are you hoping to take away from Trade- Tech this year? TD: With fees continuing to decrease across trades in between. I am hoping to hear some insightful discussions around how our investors are looking at ETF execution in the post-MIFID II world and how this affects the ecosystem surrounding them. Which sessions at TradeTech are you looking “We live in an on-demand society which has been brought about by having technology at our fingertips. ETFs are as much an example of this as any.” decision. We have seen from a number of investors that ETFs are quickly becoming substitutes for futures and other Delta One instruments due to the rise in costs on the futures side, for the ETF passive industry, trading ETFs efficiently becomes an increasingly signifi- cant component of any investor’s total cost of ownership, not just on the initial purchase and the sell, but also on all of the rebalance forward to and why? TD: I think it is great that ETFs are featuring more and more at this conference and the Stream C panel sessions in the afternoon of Day 1 should have some very insightful discussions. Issue 1 21