Z- In Search of the Susatianable Soul 2019 Sustainable Soul | Page 13


Roldan ....

Roldan is one of many extraordinary tour guides at the Explorama Lodges. Roldan spends the majority of the year with Explorama, and spends his freetime with his wife or his 7 children.

These two individuals helped shape our experience and shift our perspectives. Each have a unique story and passion for expanding the mission of EKOAMAZON.

From the small village of Timicuro Grande.

His wife Mary is from a different culture (the village of Llachapa) and he had to adapt to the lifestyle.

He loves to go fishing and eat fish. His favorite type is catfish.

Roldan Hidalgo is many things; He is a guide, an explorer, and an adventurer. He is a jokester, a

leader, and a teacher. He is a role model, a father, and a mentor.

Over the eight days we spent with him, we were lucky enough to witness each of these qualities.

As he led us through the jungle, he shared his knowledge and passion for the rainforest with our

group. It is clear he loves his home – he is proud of the beauty and life that flourishes in the

Amazon – and wants us to see and appreciate all we can. He encouraged us to not be scared and

supported us when we were.

His support transcended our small group of girls and was prominent in everyone he met. He is a

natural leader, with his quiet and thoughtful demeanor and passion for people. He is admired and

looked up to by many, and for good reason. Roldan can make meaningful connections with anyone

and inspire them through his utter dedication to his work. His job is more than just leading groups

through the Amazon; it is bringing awareness to both the beauty and the hardships of life on the


Roldan himself has faced many hardships, ones which he opened up to us as the week progressed.

He loves his job, loves working with different people and exploring the jungle, but he also loves

his family. And when he is working he has to be away from his family for long stretches of time. If

there is one thing we learned about Roldan, it is that he is endlessly compassionate and caring of

those he loves. He feels deeply for everyone he meets and exudes a sense of trust and kindness.

When we left he reminded us that he is proud of his work and his home. That he is thankful for our

presence and curiosity and he is waiting to see us again. We were sad to say goodbye because

Roldan had grown into more than just a guide for us. His humor and passion made him

unforgettable. Because Roldan Hidalgo is many things, but most of all, he is a friend.