Compassionate Integrity Training CIT-Faciltator-Guide-2.1-Final | Page 99

C OMPASSIONATE I NTEGRITY T RAINING A S ECULAR E THICS A PPROACH TO C ULTIVATING P ERSONAL , S OCIAL AND E NVIRONMENTAL F LOURISHING I am not happy about the horrific childhood abuse that I had to endure, nor can I ever forget it. However, I am grateful to be in a position to counsel, console, encourage young adults here who have gone through and endured such trauma. I’ve broken the shameful silence that had me bound for so long by sharing my story of trauma and survived, which has been liberating for me. I really do believe that gratitude is the moral memory of mankind.” 2. After the reading of the passage debrief by asking the following questions: a. “Why do you think this woman chose to forgive?” b. “In general, what do you think are the benefits of forgiveness?” 3. Conclude the activity by saying, “As we just discussed, there are many benefits to forgiveness, but as we saw in this example, forgiveness can be hard. It is important, therefore for us to develop strategies to cultivate forgiveness.” C ENTER FOR C OMPASSION , I NTEGRITY AND S ECULAR E THICS | L IFE U NIVERSITY | M ARIETTA , G EORGIA -92-