Compassionate Integrity Training CIT-Faciltator-Guide-2.1-Final | Page 8

C OMPASSIONATE I NTEGRITY T RAINING A S ECULAR E THICS A PPROACH TO C ULTIVATING P ERSONAL , S OCIAL AND E NVIRONMENTAL F LOURISHING I NTRODUCTION T he Compassionate Integrity Training Facilitator Guide is designed as a companion to the Compassionate Integrity Training Manual and a resource for facilitating CIT with others. To best understand the material in this Guide and to use it most effectively one should attend CIT Facilitator Training and become a Certified CIT Facilitator. This Guide contains a sample standard CIT session agenda, guidelines for facilitating CIT, instructions for the reflective writing and mindful dialogue exercises, Critical Insight Activities, and contemplative practice scripts. The guidelines and activities in this Guide were developed and refined over a several year period while first creating and piloting CIT with dozens of groups in various locations around the world. We look forward to continuing to expand this Guide as facilitators test new ways for facilitating CIT for diverse populations. Please note, in this Guide we use the “singular they” (derivative forms: them, their, theirs, and themselves) as a gender-neutral singular pronoun. C ENTER FOR C OMPASSION , I NTEGRITY AND S ECULAR E THICS | L IFE U NIVERSITY | M ARIETTA , G EORGIA -1-