Compassionate Integrity Training CIT-Faciltator-Guide-2.1-Final | Page 44

C OMPASSIONATE I NTEGRITY T RAINING A S ECULAR E THICS A PPROACH TO C ULTIVATING P ERSONAL , S OCIAL AND E NVIRONMENTAL F LOURISHING F OUNDATIONAL C ONCEPTS AND I NTRODUCTIONS I NTRODUCTION I NTERVIEWS * Goal: To begin to get to know each other and set motivation for exploring CIT. Materials: Index cards (one for each person), pens or pencils and a bell or other auditory signal. Time: 10 minutes, plus an additional 1 to 2 minutes per participant. Instructions: 1. Give each participant one index card to write down answers. The interview questions can either be included in your PowerPoint presentation, written on a whiteboard or easel pad or pre-printed on the index card. Feel free to come up with your own questions, but some suggestions are: a. What is your name? b. What do you hope to receive in this course? c. What do you hope to give in this course? d. What is one fun fact about yourself? 2. Explain to the participants, “Please pick a partner. Perhaps someone you do not know well. You will interview your partner based on the questions I will provide you. The index card can be used to record your partner’s answers. At the conclusion of the interviews, each partner will introduce the other to the rest of our group. You will have approximately two minutes to interview your partner. I will let you know when it is time to switch roles.” 3. When the pairs have dispersed throughout the room or venue, give the signal for them to begin. 4. After two to three minutes give an auditory signal and explain, “It’s now time to switch roles.” 5. Once the second allotment of time has passed, give the signal for the interviews to conclude and ask participants to come back together. 6. Ask the group, “Would anyone like to volunteer to introduce their 'partner?” 7. Continue to have partners volunteer until everyone has introduced their partner. C ENTER FOR C OMPASSION , I NTEGRITY AND S ECULAR E THICS | L IFE U NIVERSITY | M ARIETTA , G EORGIA -37-