Compassionate Integrity Training CIT-Faciltator-Guide-2.1-Final | Page 42

C OMPASSIONATE I NTEGRITY T RAINING A S ECULAR E THICS A PPROACH TO C ULTIVATING P ERSONAL , S OCIAL AND E NVIRONMENTAL F LOURISHING Instead, one would have to use discursive practices, analyzing the person using different cognitive tools and strategies, until one can arrive at a cognitive awareness of gratitude for the person. Once this gratitude is realized cognitively, then the emotion of gratitude can arise. Then, one can enter into a state of absorptive meditation on this gratitude in order to intensify and strengthen it. With self-compassion we use analytic practices in order to interrogate the true nature of our suffering and happiness and their causes. Before leading an analytical practice, it is helpful to let participants know what they will be analyzing, so they can take a moment to think about what they want to bring to mind during the practice. This information is contained in the “Preparation for Practice” portion of each practice script. Practice scripts are denoted by the meditation icon . C ENTER FOR C OMPASSION , I NTEGRITY AND S ECULAR E THICS | L IFE U NIVERSITY | M ARIETTA , G EORGIA -35-