Compassionate Integrity Training CIT-Faciltator-Guide-2.1-Final | Page 19

C OMPASSIONATE I NTEGRITY T RAINING A S ECULAR E THICS A PPROACH TO C ULTIVATING P ERSONAL , S OCIAL AND E NVIRONMENTAL F LOURISHING you do should be short and designed to convey information that is unique to CIT, and not more than 10 minutes. Even though there is a “Debrief” section at the end of the session, be sure to include several debriefs along the way to be sure everyone is comfortable with the material and has an opportunity to share ideas and ask questions. As you design this part of the session, refer to the Content Learning Outcomes in the Compassionate Integrity Training Manual to guide you. If you choose, you may use the PowerPoint presentations on the Facilitator section of the CIT website as a guide. Reflective Writing Exercise and Mindful Dialogues (15 to 20 Minutes) As a way to personalize and process the content and practice, you may want to use a Reflective Writing and Mindful Dialogue Exercise at this point in the session or after the Contemplative Practice. These exercises are also a way to deepen the connections that are forming within the group. Instructions for these exercises are in this Guide, and the exercises themselves are in the Manual. New Contemplative Practice (15 to 20 Minutes) After the participants seem to have a good understanding of the material, introduce the practice you will use for that module. Be sure to refer to the Practice Learning Outcomes in the Compassionate Integrity Training Manual to guide you on the practice you select. You can also use the Contemplative Practice Scripts found in this Guide and Contemplative Journal Questions in the Manual. Debrief (5 to 10 Minutes) Allow participants to share final thoughts. A simple and time-effective way of doing this is the practice called “Connections.” Go around the room and allow people to say a single word or phrase that is on their mind or reflects their thoughts as you end that day’s session, or to say “Pass,” if they wish to not say anything. If several people pass on the first round, you can go around twice. This is a good way to again ensure that each individual in the group participates or has an opportunity to participate. Housekeeping and Conclusion (5 Minutes) Assign homework, deal with practical and logistical questions, and confirm the next session. This is a good time to hand out the Facilitator Feedback Form if necessary and to ask for suggestions as to how the sessions might be improved for next time. C ENTER FOR C OMPASSION , I NTEGRITY AND S ECULAR E THICS | L IFE U NIVERSITY | M ARIETTA , G EORGIA -12-