Compassionate Integrity Training CIT-Faciltator-Guide-2.1-Final | Page 147

C OMPASSIONATE I NTEGRITY T RAINING A S ECULAR E THICS A PPROACH TO C ULTIVATING P ERSONAL , S OCIAL AND E NVIRONMENTAL F LOURISHING Grounding (Skill 1, Calming Body and Mind) The practice of noticing the direct contact of one’s body with an object (including another part of the body) that provides a sense of support and stability. Heedfulness (Skill 2, Ethical Mindfulness) A recognition that one has the capacity to harm others, both intentionally and unintentionally, and the cautiousness that follows in order to not do so. Impartiality (Skill 5, Impartiality and Common Humanity) The diminishment of bias (partiality). Impartiality does not mean apathy towards everyone, rather it is an elevation of appreciation and value of those once considered strangers or enemies. Implicit Bias (Skill 5, Impartiality & Common Humanity) Refers to the unconscious attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understandings, actions, and decisions. Interdependence (Skill 9, Appreciating Interdependence) A recognition that individuals are part of a vast ecosystem where they are dependent on other individuals, institutions, and the environment to survive and thrive and where individual actions similarly affect others. C ENTER FOR C OMPASSION , I NTEGRITY AND S ECULAR E THICS | L IFE U NIVERSITY | M ARIETTA , G EORGIA -140-