Communications 2017 Strategic Plan | Page 15

4 5 Strategy 4: Protect and preserve natural resources and ecological systems by promoting and supporting stewardship and enhancement, green infrastructure development and maintenance, and avoiding adverse environmental impacts. Action A: Implement natural resource protection and enhancement plans. Action B: Continue to partner with stakeholders to reduce the level of pollutants released into surface water, groundwater, sanitary sewers, and storm drains. Action C: Evaluate and promote alternative land use policies and practices – including green site design innovations to enhance the county’s natural resources and ecological systems. Action D: Encourage the use of Green Infrastructure (GI) including: site-specific, best management practices that absorb and infiltrate precipitation where it falls; an interconnected network of open spaces, habitat enhancement, and natural areas; water conservation and other recognized GI practices. Action E: Support economic development strategies that help grow a green economy and green jobs based on market-driven demands. Action F: Improve air quality by establishing a schedule for building energy audits, fleet management, and by researching, and implementing, where feasible, practices to reduce pollutants and exploring methods to measure the County’s carbon footprint. Action G: Implement and report on the Sustainability Chapter of the Lake County Regional Framework to encourage sustainable development practices. Action H: Advance sustainable agriculture and local food initiatives. Strategy 5: Provide a reliable and sustainable supply of safe drinking water to residents. Action A: Implement and report on water conservation measures and their impacts on usage. In 2016, the County Café in the Lake County Courthouse & Administrative Complex started using eco-friendly products, including disposable utensils, plates, cups, and other paper supplies that are compostable, biodegradable, and/or able to be recycled. These products replace Styrofoam products that do not biodegrade and can’t be recycled. PERFORMANCE METRIC 75% of all construction and demolition debris is recycled for covered projects in unincorporated areas of Lake County. 100 Actual: 86% 80 Goal: 75% 60 3,769 tons of waste diverted from landfills 40 20 2016 Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling for Unincorporated Lake County 0 SWALCO Per Capita Per Day Disposal Rate 2.2 2.0 1.89 1.8 ACTUAL 1.81 1.60 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 2010 2015 12 TARGET 1.35 2020