COMMUNICATION: How To Flirt, Start Conversations And Keep Them Going? In Depth Guide to Approaching, Flirting and Dating | Page 9

In order for the public to achieve this believe, the magician must find a way to by-pass their critical factors as a way to get past their defenses and hang-ups. In this sense, this is very much like dropping them into a trance-like state: make the public more open to suggestion than they otherwise would be, if their critical factor were still fully functioning. Keep in mind though, that often, people who feel tricked into believing or doing things, may “waken up” with a bitter after taste, because they do not truly understand what it was that happened to them, and therefore feel confused about their thoughts and actions. To get people in the right state , you do cannot use a golden watch to make them fall asleep. Most commonly, you will use a combination of body language and pattern language. When you want to influence people’s thoughts and emotions with words, it may be a good idea to remember this : the pledge: You need to get there attention and interest, give them a reason to listen to you, create trust, offer a wider perspective, promise fun, security, happiness, benefit or advantage. the turn: Without interaction and emotional involvement, your pledge will lead to nothing and will soon be forgotten. You will not obtain the desired outcome, unless you work toward it in a planned, structured, strategic way. This workshop will teach you some basic ways to obtain interaction and emotional involvement from your listener. the prestige: But of course, unless you can close the deal, nothing is ever won. The turn, therefore is always function of the prestige. You cannot hit a target if you don’t know what you are aiming at. Good strategies are of little use if you do not have a fixed goal, determination and self confidence.