COMMUNICATION: How To Flirt, Start Conversations And Keep Them Going? In Depth Guide to Approaching, Flirting and Dating | Page 87

2. Listen. Learn how to make conversation by actively listening to other people and by concentrating on what they say and how they say it. It doesn't matter who or where they are. Even if you disagree with their opinions, listening to others helps you form your opinions and it provides insight as you learn how to make conversation. Try to see how others communicate. A conversation is more than just words. As others make conversation watch their body language and listen to the variation in the pitch of their voices. Listening is very important but if all you do is listen to the words you will miss most of what they are communicating. Learning how to make converstaion is about seeing and understanding body language as well as listening 3. Humility As we make conversation we all make mistakes, and sometimes we mispronounce our words, stutter or even slur words. If you realize you've made a mistake ask if you pronounced it correctly or ask if you used the word in the right context. People accept honest mistakes, however if you are always using long words just to show off they will quickly lose interest. In understanding how to make conversation remember your audience is more forgiving than you are, don't be too hard on yourself when you make mistakes 4. Make Eye Contact with your Audience When listening and speaking use eye contact to maintain a connection with your audience. It doesn't matter if you have an audience of one or one hundred maintaining eye contact keeps the in the conversation. But don't lock eyes and stare. If you're in conversation with just one person allow them a break. Staring continuously at them will make them feel uncomfortable so look around regularly, but don't talk to your shoes or talk while facing away from them. If you are talking to a larger group exchange looks with different members of your audience while talking. Don't spend too long looking at o