COMMUNICATION: How To Flirt, Start Conversations And Keep Them Going? In Depth Guide to Approaching, Flirting and Dating | Page 73

The Way To True Love Have you watched the movie Michael with John Travolta? I've watched that movie about 35 times! Really! It's one of my favorites. In the movie, there is a part where Michael (Travolta) and the other three actors are driving to somewhere and Michael is making jokes all the time and laughing like crazy. Then he says…. "You've got to learn to laugh… It's the way to true love" By the way, he's trying to make a woman and a man to fall in love with each other since he is an angel. Well, why am I telling you this? Do you remember the step 3 of my technique to get any girl? MAKE HER LAUGH! My friend, you'll never know what this thing can do for you until you put it into practice. By making a girl laugh you : • keep her happy all the time. • she'll love to be around you. • she'll remember you when she is sad. • she'll miss you when you are away. • if you are trying to meet her for the first time, by making her laugh, you open the door to endless opportunities to score! GREAT UH! Believe me my friend… This technique of making girls laugh can even save marriages with difficulties. What If….? This technique is what I've used almost every time when I want to ask her to be my girl…. Remember, don't be so attentive and don't look desperate. What I do is tell her something like this… "What would you do or say if I'd ask you to be my girl? would you think about it?" Make these questions as if you were asking what's her favorite color. You know what I mean? Don't look like you are hoping with all your heart a "YES! Act as normal as you can. What this indirect question does is making her think if you are asking her for real or if you are just curious. That's the real point! I don't know why but IT WORKS WONDERS!