COMMUNICATION: How To Flirt, Start Conversations And Keep Them Going? In Depth Guide to Approaching, Flirting and Dating | Page 71

So… How Can You Have a 100% Effectiveness With Girls? Yes my friends, believe it or not I can say that I have a 100% of effectiveness when I ask a girl to be my date or girlfriend. Sex? Well, I'm not the kind of guy that gets a girl just to have sex, however, let me tell you that out of all the girlfriends that I've had, I had sex with all of them eventually and with the rest of them, well.. honestly I didn't want to but if I'd had asked them, I'm pretty sure they would have consider it. So, what is my technique? Here it is: 1) First of all, I'll tell you something that I recently told to a couple of friends who were suffering for their girls : "You have to be willing to lose your girl since the very beginning…." You'd say I'm crazy, but it's true. You see, anything can happen and if you are willing to accept that, chances are that if for some reason you get separate, your pain will be a lot less. 2) Do with