COMMUNICATION: How To Flirt, Start Conversations And Keep Them Going? In Depth Guide to Approaching, Flirting and Dating | Page 30

If you get a good conversation going, you might check for an opportunity to continue the conversation elsewhere or at another time: I’d love to talk a bit more with you about this subject, but my train is due any minute now. Can we meet again to continue this conversation? This is real fun, but I wonder if you are free to continue this conversation. Do you have to go somewhere right now? Would you like telling me a bit more about … over a warm cup of coffee? GUIDELINES FOR A SUCCESSFUL CONVERSATION Once you have started up a conversation, you may want to use some of the techniques described at some length in my files about flirting and dating: successful flirting and dating elementary guide for flirting and dating the incredible power of words. Hypnotic communication which you will find on and on (query= Dean Amory).