COMMUNICATION: How To Flirt, Start Conversations And Keep Them Going? In Depth Guide to Approaching, Flirting and Dating | Page 26

Distinct advantages for you are: Being a good listener: Finding ways to compliment in a pleasing way Confirming her in how and what she is Giving positive, empatic feedback Teasing her Showing some sense of humour, making her smile Here are some examples of good follow-up lines which will help you to keep the conversation going. May I join you? That’s a nice jacket you are wearing That colour really suits you You look lovely I love the way you smile You have beautiful hair You have fantastic legs. I love the way you dance / move I’d like to buy you a drink I hear you know a lot about this subject, are you studying ...? How is it that you know so much about Some qualify the following follow-up lines as bad : So, what do you do for work? What’s your sign? Excuse me, but I think you just dropped something (showing pen, …) Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again? Are you seeing somebody? / Are you married? (too serious) (cliché) (boring) (stupid) (too serious) At all times, though : what matters most is how she responds. If she says “thank you, sir”s and turns away, then she’s definitely not interested. But if she thanks you, smiles and gets funny, you’re in. It may be a good idea to stick for a while to the opening subject: It’s non treatening, less conspiscious and therefore raising less resistance It’s always a good idea to listen actively to what other people have to say Allows for a strategical retreat: nothing has happened yet. You can learn a lot from her reactions, without having to reveal much of yourself.