COMMUNICATION: How To Flirt, Start Conversations And Keep Them Going? In Depth Guide to Approaching, Flirting and Dating | Page 18

8. Practice Anchoring Emotions are associative; they get linked to particular stimuli, which can later revive that emotion, even if there’s no logical connection between the stimulus itself and the emotion. Lots of people react very emotionally to certain old songs, because they automatically connect these songs to a special moment in their life. There are places, sounds, … that make us feel very good or sad, depending on which experiences we associate them with. If you had a truly positive experience with an Italian girl many years ago, you may suddenly realize that you have become a lover of all things Italian and maybe not even be able to remember or explain why. In exactly the same way, you can “anchor” strong emotions, that is: mark them and in this way link them to a touch, to a specific motion, to a painting, to the starlit sky … in fact, to anything at all. The stronger the emotion felt when the anchor is set, the stronger the response will be when the anchor is “fired” later. The more special and specific the anchor, the longer it will retain its function. Remember Jung’s Archetypes? People share a number of inner images. Some are universal, most however culturally determined. The trigger words that activate these images are nowadays called: powerwords. When talking to women for instance, chances are you trigger a few emotions when using these powerwords : angels, sacred, magic, fairy tales, princess, goddess, paranormal experiences, the inner voice, the inner self, the pure soul, biorhythm, the true nature, bigger whole wholeness, universal bond, signs, destiny, fate, serendipity, be in touch with her path, true passion, be connected connection with self, finding the One it feels as if I loved you before I met you, as if I have always loved only you, as if I have been searching for you all my life the other half things that are meant to be, realization cycle harmony, peace, safety, protection, sharing, trust calm ocean safe harbor feelings that bridge time, more, deeper, surrender = give in to something overwhelming, allenveloping emotion, emotional growth, grow, learn reaching deeper levels, enhance, beauty, adoration, as if I love you since the dawn of mankind, I will love you as long as I live … and more, Just imagine feeling more intensely than ever before, feel this sense of overwhelming, irresistible passion… and then realize you can feel completely one with yourself, with the universe … and even more.