Columbus Fit Ohio August 2018 | Page 29

Yes. The answer is, yes. I work out 7 days a week.

And here's why you should too.

I think one of the Hidden truths of the fitness industry is full body training and that's because it hasn't been considered as an optimum, primary training program for probably 50 to 60 years.

Prior to the steroidal, Arnold Schwarzenegger era, full body training 3 times a week was the norm, and if you weren't doing full body training something was wrong with you.

Simply put, that was how it was back then and along came steroids and with them, changes. Lots of big, not always good...changes.

The logic was pretty simple. When a person works out, protein synthesis is raised but it only lasts about 48 hours for a natural athlete. For example, if you do full body training Monday Wednesday and Friday. When you do a Monday, by Wednesday protein synthesis is starting to dip. When you actually do your workout on Wednesday, it shoots back up.

What this means for somebody who's on steroids when they hit say...chest, their protein synthesis lasts a lot longer than a natural person would. This is why they don't have to train as often per week as a natural person would. That's where the "Bro Split" i.e. back day, chest day, leg day came from.

Busting The 7 Day Workout Myth

by Micah Clayborn

Bodybuilder, Champion Powerlifter, Personal Trainer