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TU T O R I A L S 6.75 PDUs Per Full-day Tutorial Monday, June 8, 8:30am–4:30pm (Full-day) MA An Introduction to SAFe: The Scaled Agile Framework Al Shalloway, Net Objectives The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is quickly being adopted by many large organizations that have had some success with agile at the team level but have not been able to scale up to large projects. Al Shalloway describes what SAFe is, discusses when and how to implement it, and provides a few extensions to SAFe. Al begins with a high-level, executive’s guide to SAFe that you can share with your organization’s leaders. He then covers the aspects of implementing SAFe: identifying the sequence of features to work, establishing release trains, the SAFe release planning event, SAFe’s variant of Scrum, and when to use the SAFe process. Al concludes with extensions to SAFe including creating effective teams—even when it doesn’t look possible—and implementing shared services and DevOps in SAFe using kanban. Get an introduction to SAFe, discover whether it would be useful to your organization, and identify the steps you should take to be SAFe. MB Explore Big Data with Graph Databases: A Hands-On Practicum Andy Palmer, RiverGlide SQL and MapReduce databases are great—when your data is well-partitioned and the same queries are run regularly. What happens when we don’t know what we will want to know in the future? Graph databases are used in everything from Facebook to business intelligence apps. With nodes, edges, and properties to represent and store data, graph databases give us the opportunity to define the landscape as we learn more about our data. Using graph databases we can start at a location and ask for a description of where we are. This allows us to discover pathways and interesting data points that we might not otherwise have been aware of. Andy Palmer and Antony Marcano explain how you can discover the data landscape and bend it to your will with exploratory reports. Starting with the fundamentals of graph databases—using Neo4J as the tool—your skills with graph databases will increase through the day until you are able to explore and discover new gems of information for yourself. Bring your laptop and try a big data tool. 3.75 PDUs Per Half-day Tutorial Monday, June 8, 8:30am–12:00pm (Half-day Morning) MC Career Superpowers James Whittaker, Microsoft Line up all the successful people in the world. Take away the pedigreed and the prodigies—you know the people who are going to succeed no matter what. Remove the brown-nosers and right-time-right-place lottery winners. And who do you have left? People who succeeded on purpose. Study these folks carefully, and you’ll find their paths to the top have common themes. James Whittaker exposes the career strategies of the ultra-successful and a