Collins Booksellers Spring Reading Guide 2018 COLLINS Spring 2018 Catalogue WEB | Page 13

follow us LIFESTYLE PARENTING LOW TOX LIFE FAST FOOD FOR FIT DADS Alexx Stuart $35.00 Nathan Wallace RRP $44.95 In Low Tox Life, Alexx Stuart clears a path through the maze of mass-market ingredient cocktails, focusing on four key areas: Body, Home, Food and Mind. You don’t need to be a fulltime homesteader to go low tox. Start small, or ditching one nasty at a time, and enjoy the process. In Fast Food for Fit Dads, Nathan Wallace presents his recipes to get you from the fridge to the table, fast, and all are family-friendly too. Each recipe contains macro breakdowns to help you make healthy choices, with shortcuts on how you can make it even faster, from power breakfasts to light bites and quick dinners. WASTE NOT FATHERS AND DAUGHTERS Erin Rhoads RRP $29.99 Madonna King RRP $32.99 Erin went from eating plastic-packaged takeaway to becoming one of Australia’s most popular eco- bloggers. In Waste Not she shares everything she’s learnt from her own funny, inspiring – and far-from- perfect – journey to living with less waste. A ZERO WASTE LIFE Exploring a father’s role in his daughter’s life from a daughter’s perspective as well as the father’s, Madonna examines the key issues to help families navigate those difficult moments. Fathers and Daughters gives a voice to our girls, insight to our fathers and peace of mind to both. DUE 28TH AUGUST SMALL ANIMALS Anita Vandyke RRP $19.99 Kim Brooks RRP $19.99 A Zero Waste Life is a guide to the small changes you can make to reduce your waste, without losing your lifestyle. Based on 30 lifestyle ‘rules’ and handy tips, this book offers a fresh ‘can do’ approach to reducing your waste and living a cleaner, kinder life. SELF HELP DUE 28TH AUGUST REAL FOOD KIDS WILL LOVE DITCH THE DEAD WEIGHT Annabel Karmel RRP $34.99 Mike Rolls RRP $29.99 Real Food Kids Will Love offers everything today’s parents are looking for once their babies are ready to start joining in with family mealtimes. Each dish is designed to be enjoyed by the whole family, while remaining simple, healthy, and not too salty or sugary for young children. Often in personal or professional development the sole focus is how to get more of something. Mike turns this idea on its head and asks, what could we get rid of to make our lives freer and more meaningful? Practical, humorous and inspiring, Mike is an engaging narrator and a great role model for people of all ages. THE BAREFOOT INVESTOR FOR FAMILIES GOING TO THE MOUNTAIN Scott Pape RRP $29.99 Ndaba Mandela RRP $35.00 This inspiring book reveals the transformative power of the life lessons that Nelson Mandela shared with Ndaba as his grandson grew up alongside him - lessons of resilience, peace and hope. These are life lessons for us all. Fuelled by urgency and the emotional intensity of Kim's own story, Small Animals is a riveting examination of the ways our culture of competitive, anxious, and judgmental parenting has profoundly altered the experiences of parents and children. Kim calls us to examine what we most value in our relationships with our children and one another. In The Barefoot Investor for Families Scott’s mission is to make your kids financially strong so they never get into the traps that bankers have devised to rob them of their money. There are only ten things every kid needs to know about money, and you can teach them over dinner, once a week. DUE 17TH SEPTEMBER THINK AND GROW RICH: THE LEGACY THE TRESILLIAN SLEEP BOOK James Whittaker RRP $39.99 Tresillian RRP $32.99 In this book, released in conjunction with the major film, readers are inspired by accounts of some of todays most successful entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and cultural icons who rose above the unlikeliest circumstances to find fulfilment and make their mark on the world. The Tresillian Sleep Book covers sleep and settling from birth to the preschool years, sharing simple ways to help your baby or young child establish sleep cycles and support your baby’s changing sleep needs as they grow.