Collin County Living Well Magazine May/June 2019 | Page 29

“You realize how lucky we are, and how destruc- tive we’ve been, and what little regard we have for the natural world,” DiCaprio said to Parade. “I play fictitious characters often solving fictitious problems. I believe mankind has looked at cli- mate change in the same way, as if it were a fic- tion. But I think we know better than that.” Then there was the time when he was tandem skydiv- ing and both the primary and secondary chutes knot- ted up. As they were plummeting toward the earth, the instructor DiCaprio was tethered to was finally able to unravel the secondary shoot in midair, ensur- ing the survival of Hollywood’s most bankable star. Living on the edge is apparently not unusual for the Oscar winner. “My friends have named me the person they least want to do extreme adventures with, because I always seem to be very close to being part of a disaster.” Filming The Great Gatsby (2013) with Carey Mulligan. Staring alongside Brad Pitt in this year’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. One thing that is guaranteed not to be a disaster is DiCaprio’s upcoming movie Once Upon a Time in Hol- lywood, slated for a July release. In director Quentin Tarantino’s ninth feature film, DiCaprio plays TV actor Rick Dalton and neighbor to Sharon Tate. Brad Pitt plays his friend and stunt double Cliff Booth and cen- ters on the duo as they navigate Hollywood. No doubt, DiCaprio will be drawing from firsthand experience. While DiCaprio enjoys being immersed in nature and wild places, he’s faced the danger that comes with outdoor adventures. In an interview with Wired, Di- Caprio detailed the time he was nearly killed in a shark incident. “A great white jumped into my cage when I was diving in South Africa. Half its body was in the cage, and it was snapping at me,” detailed DiCaprio. “I sort of fell down to the bottom and tried to lie flat. The great white took about five or six snaps an arm’s length away from my head. The guys there said that has nev- er happened in the 30 years they’d been doing it.” © Warner Bros. COLLIN COUNTY Living Well Magazine | MAY/JUNE 2019 27