College Underground Magazine Issue 5 | Page 11

Page 11 ARTIST SPOTLIGHT — msK By: Terrence Hazly All the way from Copenhagen, Kirsten Rigmor, is creating music with producers in Denmark and in the USA. Listening to all kinds of music is a big part of her life with her strongest inspiration comes from listening to tunes from Billie Holi- day and Stevie Wonder. The collabora- tions with different people inspire her, which can be heard in her music. I was fortunate to run into her and here is our conversation: Tell us how you got started and how long you have been singing? Both my parents introduced me to classical music. My mother plays pi- ano; my father plays cello. My older sisters turned me on to jazz, soul and funk music. We had a tenant from Jamaica who turned me on to Bob Marley. I got my first Bob Marley album “Survival” for my birthday at the age of eight. I have been singing in school music lessons, and got my first leadsinger role in a funkband called Splonge when I was 21. I started composing melodies and writing lyrics, singing with this band for about three years. Describe to us your singing style. I am a self-taught singer. The way I sing is inspired by Billie Holiday – she has touched me deeply since I was teenager, but listening to voices and sounds that I find pretty and lovely also inspire my singingstyle. Tell us a little bit about your songwriting techniques. Normally I compose lyrics and melodies at the same time; I improvise. Sometimes I write the lyrics first and then find a melody; other times I create melodies first and then write lyrics. What types of obstacles have you encountered getting to where you are? I think it’s a challenge to get soul music heard in Denmark because pop- ular music here is more like Rock and Pop. I have experienced that some people thought I was too “old” to have a singing career when I was 32, which disappointed me, but I told myself that “music is sup- posed to be music”, and I stuck with my songwriting and kept doing mu- sic my own way.