Collectible Guitar JulyAug17 | Page 29

SIMO SAYS SIMO SAYS JD Simo  Hello there again! I hope the world is treating you like a scholar and know everything relative to you love to see if you could ask them some well and all is as good as it can be. This month it! They’ve read the record sleeves, books, questions. Taking the time to really devour an I’d like to focus on the importance of “Digging collected bootlegs, or even sought out someone album front to back with your instrument in hand. In.” Let me explain that a bit. connected to the music personally to get a grasp Going beyond the first Google search page and of something that made them feel closer to the looking for deeper content. Reexamining your All of us have influences. of course, and in the source. They dig deep! They follow the musical strengths with a renewed vigor to see if you’re current age we live in there is a never-ending tree to wherever it leads. Usually in that process, really as firmly footed as you thought. Basically, abundance of access to them. Almost too it leads to many other tangents you wouldn’t find just DIG IN! You’ll be rewarded with what you much! Things that used to take serious effort to otherwise.  put in. You can talk the talk all you want, but the track down now are available in 20 seconds or second you play, what comes out will be what less of web surfing. The problem, I feel, is that Now, of course, there still is a lot of this… but you’ve put in. If you’ve only skimmed the surface with this deluge of content, we don’t take the I’ve seen a drop off of sorts. I see it as a three- and took the path of least resistance, then it’ll time to dig deeper or as intensely. It’s well noted pronged problem. One: too many people are show real quick. Life will make a liar out you. that our attention spans are getting shorter as a accessing the same content, therefore there’s It does to me all the time! Haha! So put high result of constant electronic stimulation. That, of not as much discovery. Second is the lack of octane good stuff in there and dig deep. It feels course, impacts us all in different ways.  communal learning. Other players and fans will good and it will yield righteous fruit friends. turn you on to stuff you’re not aware of. Us alone As I travel the globe, I’m constantly around on a computer takes the communal element I’ll leave you with one last thing. A big hero of players of my age group, younger, older… out of the equation, which is a HUGE part of mine, Stephen Bruton had a great quote about as more all of this! Lastly, because everything is so easy broadening your musical horizons. “Music is experience… You get the picture. I’ve been to find, you spend less time really digesting it inclusive, not exclusive. Country music and playing professionally for over 2 decades now before moving on. Nuance, depth, and really blues are not mutually exclusive. Classical music, and the current musician culture is very different letting something sink in takes time and effort. rock and roll… All those things are inclusive, not from the one I was reared in during the mid 90’s. It is common these days that once you got the exclusive. That’s the biggest problem with the The main thing I’ve noticed of all of my favorite notes right… or kind of r ight… you’re good to world today… Everyone wants to be exclusive. players and artists (one’s I’ve met and become go. That’s just not okay! Whether that’s living behind some gated experienced, less experience, friends with anyway) is that they are walking community, or whatever… That’s all bull, man! music encyclopedias! The amount of detailed The good news is that all this is easily rectified. It’s gotta be inclusive or it doesn’t work. If its knowledge of what record company someone Reaching out to your local music community. exclusive, you’re ruling everyone but you out.” was on, what the engineers name was, family Hanging out at a local record store. Asking a background, what color underwear they were musician you admire if you could buy them a Words to live by friends. Much love! I’ll be digging wearing when they wrote that amazing song, coffee sometime to pick their brain. Showing up right beside you :) JD etc. is incredible! They’ve studied their craft early or hanging around after a gig of someone Jul  Aug 2017 29