Collectible Guitar JulyAug17 | Page 19

in general is more like you practice the speed times. What I meant was more about the of thought. You practice the reaction of any mindset of a side-man where you go to a action that is happening in the music. It’s like gig, play correctly, and get your money and a conversation that is happening between leave. In the very beginning of my career, four or five friends on a subject. You decided I did a tour with a singer from Finland that the subject, like you decide a harmony for a invited me, so it was like sideman work. sixteen-bar section, and then you decide to But I played with Angra for twenty years, have a conversation, but you don’t know what’s and I was the guy that was there from the going to happen. So, the mindset is completely beginning. So all the things when you’re different. Having a