Cold Link Africa Mar/Apr 2017 | Page 39

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All images by Air Products

Cryogenics and the cold chain

By Ilana Koegelenberg

We have a Q & A with Arthi Govender , market research and strategy manager of Air Products , to talk about cryogenics and the local market .

Why use liquid nitrogen in food
Where is it popular in South Africa ? In
the processed food industry has taken off .
in the processing rooms to monitor the
processing ?
which applications in particular ?
This can only further drive the growth of
levels of oxygen , as large amounts of
Due to its extremely cold temperature
Liquid nitrogen has been used for
this technology .
nitrogen in a confined space can be
( -186 ° C ), liquid nitrogen can enable a
freezing patties ( burgers ) for around 25
very dangerous ( it displaces oxygen ).
cryogenic ( that is , very low temperature )
years ! It has also been used for freezing
What are the advantages and
system to freeze food within minutes ,
potato chips , vegetables , fruits ( whole
disadvantages ( risks ) of using this
How do we compare with the rest of the
instead of the hours traditionally required
and segments ), and ice creams .
technology ?
world in terms of uptake of cryogenic
with other systems .
The advantages have been listed
technology ?
What are the barriers to entry ; why isn ’ t it
above . Since this is a cold product ,
The industry has been slow to accept this
How does this quick
more popular ?
proper precautions need to be taken
technology , mainly due to the market
freezing help ?
Until a few years back , very low electricity
while the product is being handled and
structure and the consumer behaviour /
As a food processor , you want your
prices encouraged mechanical freezing .
in use . Full safety training is provided for
needs . In the next 10 – 15 years , we should
customers to taste all the flavours from
Also , the processed food industry was
the operating personnel for safe use of
see a change in the adoption of this
your ingredients . Too much heat in your
in an infancy stage . However , with the
this gas . The processing plants where this
technology as awareness is spreading at
process and the delicate flavours can be
growing urbanisation and middle class ,
product is used also have oxygen sensors
a very rapid pace .
damaged . Plus excess process heat can
cause operational problems that may not be quite as obvious , including slower
production values , poor product quality ,
and inefficient operations , to name a few .
Which industry can make use of this
technology ?
Liquid nitrogen can be used to process
a wide variety of foods , including meat ,
poultry , seafood , fruits , vegetables ,
pasta , dairy products , baked goods , and
prepared meals .
1 . Full safety training should be provided for the operating personnel for safe use of this gas .
2 . The industry has been slow to accept cryogenics .
3 . Liquid nitrogen can be used to process a wide variety of foods .

COLD LINK AFRICA • March | April 2017 www . coldlinkafrica . co . za 39