Coffee Shop Goss Pottsville > Fingal - August 2014 | Page 7

WHAT'S ON, IN & AROUND here EDUCATION NEWS Engaging waves of success at TAFE KINGSCLIFF LIBRARY SATURDAY BOOK SALES TURNOCK STREET KINGSCLIFF Come to our book bargains every Saturday between 9.15am 11.45 am. You might even pick up a rare gem! Prices range from 20c to $1, in good condition. Happy to receive donations. Enquiries to Librarian Larry Price Ph: 02-66741607. SPOT AL OC THE inLthese pics, coaullr e If you’r 4 to collect y 83 5513 1 ard tc $20 gif Tony Clarke and Cenza Masda Restaurant and Catering Awards 2014 Northern / New England Coffeeshop / Tea House winner. Nine students from Tweed River and Kingscliff High School’s, test rode the wooden surfboards and hand planes, they had constructed as part of the recent “Waves of Success” program through Kingscliff TAFE. Sharyn Lane, Head Teacher General Education, North Coast TAFE, says the 10 week program was directed towards youth at risk of disengaging from school, with the intention for students to regain enthusiasm and a purpose for completing their schooling. “Living on the beautiful north coast, most youth seems to have an affiliation with the surf and therefore being able to build a surfboard from scratch, can give them a huge sense of achievement and worth, Attending the “Waves of Success” program at TAFE each Friday, the students were able to engage as a team, using calculations, measurements and hand skills to complete a collective project,” says Ms Lane. Nortec’s Youth Connections Caseworker, Owen Mitimeti, was on hand to provide motivation and encouragement and transportation to students throughout the project and was described by Ms Lane as lynch pin in this project. “The relationships formed between the TAFE teachers and students were invaluable, and will continue to provide access to positive mentors who students can continue to call upon as the progress through their studies,” says Mr Mitimeti. For more information about exploring your educational opportunities, visit North Coast TAFE or call the customer service 1300 628233. > POTTSVILLE TO FINGAL > AUGUST 2014 7