Coaching World Issue 10: May 2014 | Page 9

2. Proof of Integrity\r\n\r\nThe next step to establishing trust and\r\nintimacy is demonstrating personal\r\nintegrity and respect for your clients.\r\nWhen you show up for coaching\r\nsessions on time; actively listen without\r\njudgement; provide ongoing, genuine\r\nsupport and follow through on the\r\ncommitments you make, you prove\r\nto your clients that you are dedicated\r\nto their success. A big part of this is\r\nkeeping the promises that you make. For\r\nexample, if you say you will introduce\r\nyour client to someone in your network,\r\nmake sure to do so right away. Your\r\ntimeliness in the delivery of your\r\ncoaching services is crucial to maintaining\r\nyour integrity. With this foundation in\r\nplace, clients will allow themselves to be\r\nvulnerable, knowing that they are valued\r\nand respected in your eyes.\r\nQuestions for Reflection:\r\n\r\nHow do you show clients that you\r\nwalk the talk? When you make\r\npromises to your clients, are you\r\neffectively following through?\r\n\r\n3. Frequency of Contact\r\n\r\nMaintaining consistent contact with\r\nyour clients will accelerate their\r\nprogression and build the foundation\r\nfor trust more quickly. Think about it:\r\nIf you want to get in shape, working\r\nout two or three times a week is more\r\neffective than weekly or biweekly\r\nworkouts. Likewise, communicating\r\nwith your clients between coaching\r\nsessions can help them stay on track\r\nand see faster results in their lives. You\r\ncan interact with clients through email\r\nor use an online journaling platform\r\nto send out prompts and questions.\r\nEngaging in meaningful dialogue\r\nbetween sessions will give you more\r\ninsight into your clients’ thinking and\r\nbeliefs, and it will ensure there is no\r\nloss of momentum. The high frequency\r\nof contact will pave the way for a\r\ntrusting relationship.\r\n\r\nQuestions for Reflection:\r\n\r\nHow do you connect with your\r\nclients between coaching sessions?\r\nWhat do you do to catch clients\r\nquickly after they fall?\r\n\r\nICF Business Partners\r\nICF partners with various\r\ngroups through the ICF Media\r\nPartner and ICF Business\r\nSolutions Partner programs\r\nto offer discounts or special\r\npricing to ICF Members on\r\ngoods and services. Learn more\r\nat\r\n\r\n4. Depth of Conversation\r\n\r\nA fourth element of a trust-based\r\ncoaching relationship is thorough,\r\nintimate and ongoing dialogue. Until\r\nyou are well-informed about your\r\nclients, you will not be able to facilitate\r\ntheir movement to a different place.\r\nExploring the good, the bad and\r\nthe ugly will help clients identify the\r\nthinking patterns and beliefs that\r\ninterfere with their success. This is\r\nwhen transformational coaching can\r\ntruly take place. You will prove your\r\ntrustworthiness when you dig deep\r\nwi th clients; ask about their goals,\r\nregrets, struggles and past experiences;\r\nand then handle their sensitive\r\ninformation with care. When clients feel\r\ncomfortable exposing themselves in an\r\nunguarded way, your coaching will be\r\nmost impactful.\r\nQuestions for Reflection:\r\n\r\nDo you have a means to access the\r\nthoughts and beliefs of your clients?\r\nHow do you help your clients feel\r\nsafe to share intimate details about\r\ntheir lives?\r\n\r\nIt’s worth examining the way you\r\nnurture trust and intimacy in your\r\ncoaching business—you will find that\r\nthese principles are precursors to\r\npowerful coaching.\r\n\r\n\r\n