CMU Career Guide CMU Career Guide | Page 56

SALARY NEGOTIATIONS AND JOB OFFERS (CONTINUED) Useful phrases: the area for someone in this position with my demonstrated skill set is - $__,____ - $__,_____. Would you • “Given my experience with (insert accomplishments, skills, experiences), I was expecting to start in this position with a salary that was between $__,_____ and $__,____ . Do you think we can work together to STEP 3: NEGOTIATE – KNOW YOUR STRATEGY Be mindful that often this conversation is a process. It may take several separate sessions of going “back and forth” WHEN IS IT APPROPRIATE TO NEGOTIATE? 1) AVOID answering asking any questions about salary during the interview and answering any questions goals and that you are reaching for a win/win situation. Useful responses if an employer rejects to negotiate into your proposed salary range: this position and it’s responsibilities before estimating my value in this position.” If an employer absolutely • “I understand there may be some challenges in processing my request. Based on my research, the range expect to make between $__,____ and $__,____ based on the position and the skills you bring to the table. more realistic range that we can consider and work towards?” • “I absolutely understand budget constraints; however, I’ve demonstrated that my skills and experiences are competitive for a higher range. If not now, do you think we could revisit this in the future and discuss what a salary review would look like for this position?” 2) If you have tangible evidence that your current salary is too low, you may be in a position to negotiate. THE CONVERSATION - congratulations! Be sure to look at the overall package and decide DO: - STEP 4: DECIDE – CONCLUDING THE NEGOTIATION Based on your objective research and your personal values in a position, you should know whether or • Ask when the individual needs to know your decision by DO NOT: 4 • Come to the conversation unprepared (your employer may be ready and available to enter the negotiation • Neglect to negotiate things beyond base pay overtime policies, sick days/vacation, tuition reimbursement, employee discounts, relocation/mov , then you should attempt to negotiate upward. 55 56