CMU Career Guide CMU Career Guide | Page 54

Rank the following in the order of importance to you: 1 = Most Important, 10 = Least Important SALARY NEGOTIATIONS Salary Vacation and Sick Time Career Growth/Advancement Professional Development Opportunities Prestige/Well-Known Company Good Relationship with Supervisor/Boss Flexible Work Schedule Location Travel AND JOB OFFERS and deserved pay grade simply because they do not know how to negotiate. Almost every salary is negotia- - - STEP 2: RESEARCH – BENCHMARK YOUR SALARY AND BENEFITS Grounding yourself in objective research is essential to preparing for your negotiation. Use the following resources to determine the market value for your position based on job title, location, and skill set… ! STEP 1: REFLECT – KNOW YOUR VALUE AND YOUR VALUES Think about the job you have or the one you seek. How do you or bring value to the company or organization? What accomplishments, skills, and work experiences are relevant to the position? Consider things such as… • CNN Money’s Cost of Living Calculator Be sure to assess the market and take in account factors such as… • Accomplishments related to your major • • • • • • Leadership roles Measurable positive results from your work (increases in revenue or client base) Skill areas where you particularly excel • • The overall economic conditions of the area Who the company’s competitors are • Local occupational growth/decline MARKET RANGE: Write down as many of these as you can. LOW (10%) – HIGH (90%) Finally, determine a resistance point, or the lowest salary you would be willing to accept and still reach agreement. REMEMBER MY PERSONAL SALARY RANGE: These accomplishments, skills, and work experiences will not only help you establish an appropriate target salary, but provide you with persuasive responses during your negotiation that will help you justify any request to increase your salary. when it comes to a position and a company/organization. 53 – LOW (BUDGET NEEDS) $ HIGH (IDEAL) 54