CMU Career Guide CMU Career Guide | Page 40

REFERENCE CHOOSING REFERENCES AND PAGE MENTORS CONSIDER BOTH PERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL CONTACTS unique opportunities you are applying to. Several to consider include: • 1 List the person’s full name and position title. 2 Provide the company name and 3 List a professional email address and full phone number. Consider adding online credentials as well such as CHIP A. WAY 1 2 Select people who can speak to your unique skill sets and experiences and/or your overall character. Try to WHO will represent you and HOW they will share your personal and professional story. REFERENCE ETIQUETTE 3 • Use a separate page to list your referenc- es. Be sure to use a consistent font and heading from your resume and cover letter. INDUSTRY ex: technology, content knowledge • Include 3-5 professional references, including past or current supervisors, internship coordinators, and/or professors. Consider avoiding personal references such as family and close friends. TRANSFERABLE • Select your references carefully. Consider several references who can speak about ex: communication, teamwork, organization abilities, or accomplishments. • Make sure your references can help build a strong case for your candidacy. FOUNDATIONAL • Start by asking your references if they would agree to serve as a reference for you, ex: genuine, hard-working, positive attitude they would prefer you use. Then, be sure to stay in touch with them. Notify them of each position you have applied for and how to best speak on your behalf. SOCIAL MEDIA: TAKING IT A STEP FURTHER • When applicable, ask your references to write a letter of recommendation on your behalf for your professional portfolio and to attach to your application. • Remember to give your references adequate time to write the letter, and gently suggest a date to complete the letter. • Consider adding a reference section to your professional website. • Write your references a thank you note shortly after they write you a letter of recommendation or give a verbal reference on your Utilize online resources to manage your personal and professional network. You can even receive endorsements and recommendations through resources like LinkedIn. Learn more at behalf. Also, be sure to stay in touch with them to share your job success! • Utilize online resources manage your networks well. You can do so through online sources such as LinkedIn. 39 40