CMHCF Residents' Review November 2020

Residents ’ Review

November 2020
Volume 33 , Issue 11
Citizens Memorial Healthcare Facility is an affiliate of CMH , Bolivar , Mo ., 417-326-6000 Facility Location : 1218 W . Locust St ., Bolivar , MO 65613 , 417-326-7648
Shirley Jones R e s i d e n t o f t h e M o n t h
Shirley Jones was born May 23 , 1944 , in Lebanon , Missouri to Charley & Asley Jones . Shirley is the second youngest to three siblings , Bob , Pete and Ruth who have all passed away . Their parents owned a comfort food restaurant in Lebanon for several years . Shirley and Asley were waitresses there and her father was the cook . Her mother and father passed away on the same day several years ago from different ailments .
Shirley attended grade school in a one room rural schoolhouse near Lebanon . Following grade school she attended the rest of her studies through the eighth grade in the much larger school in Lebanon . She remembers walking to school each day with her siblings . She loved drawing pictures and helping with the holiday parties while there .
There were plenty of great memories growing up with her family . One of her favorites was the frequent trips to see movies with her family . She also recalled her mom dropping her off to see a movie before she went to work and picking her up when she was finished working .
Shirley loved having pets around the house including her cat , Elsa , and dogs Chester , Chance , Jojo and King . She always had so much fun playing with them and taking care of them .
“ A laughable memory of my brother Bob is one that I will cherish forever ,” said Shirley . “ He was outside working on something and had a water hose in his hand . I had been cleaning the house and stepped outside . Bob squirted me with the water and soaked my dress . I ran in and changed , stepped out the door and he sprayed me again . We laughed the rest of the day .”
Shirley always enjoyed spending Thanksgiving and Christmas with her family . They took a lot of family pictures and had a great time together . She and her mother always cooked a big meal including turkey , homemade bread and her favorite dish was her mother ’ s fruit salad . She also enjoyed cooking BBQ ribs , pickled pigs feet and Cornish hens with purple onions with her mother during other family gatherings .
When asked if there was an interesting fact about her that no one would know , she answered , “ I love to dance , and the Kentucky waltz is my favorite .” She also likes to attend rodeos and watch the cowboys ride the wild bulls and horses .
Shirley always loved attending the Baptist church because of her love for Jesus . She enjoys singing church hymns , but said she was always off key .
We asked her what advice she would give to kids . She said , “ Mind your parents , stay out of trouble and be good because Christmas is coming and Santa knows everything you do .”
Shirley joined our CMHCF family in June 2018 . When asked what she liked about living here she said , “ The staff are very nice and I love all of the fun activities including bingo , painting , holiday parties , ladies red hat tea , poker keno and shopping the Funny Money Store .”
Congratulations , Shirley , on being chosen as our resident of the month .
Are you a caring individual who would like to assist in caring for the elderly ? Citizens Memorial Healthcare Facility has opportunities in its volunteer and nursing program . For more information call Jeff Miller , administrator , at 417-326-7648 .