CMA HeartBeat September 2018 | Page 29

Articles Continued (continued from page 11) Lord who is in charge of the har- vest; ask him to send more work- ers into his fields” (Matthew 9:37- 38, NLT). You my friend are making a difference now and in eternity in millions coming to Christ. It is both motivating and humbling to part- ner with CMA and realize that behind this great ministry (CMA) is an army of God’s people who have a heart to reach His harvest field. It is hard to believe that over 34 years ago it all started with one motorcycle, one Pastor Tomas and today the ripple effect is millions coming to Christ and thousands of pastors’ lives and communities being impacted around the globe. From all those whose lives have been changed for eternity, thank you; from the pastors and evan- gelists you have encouraged, equipped and prayed for thank you. From Jesus who looks at you and says, “Well done good and faithful servant,” thank you. You are loved and appreciated and prayed for by those who are spreading the Gospel around the globe. WE are Grateful for you CMA. CMA along the roadside. He feared he would never get the images of death and destruction out of his head. Hundreds of thousands of people have seen and experienced so much. They need trauma coun- seling to reconcile what they have witnessed. As believers, we know that the only reconciliation—the only peace and grace—is found through Jesus Christ. And you are there, CMA. God is using you to deliver His peace and grace. Watch the countries that are open- ing up to the Gospel and know that you’re making a visible difference there as well. “Thank you” will never be enough to appropriately show our grati- tude. Know that through your obe- dience, you are spreading the power of the Word and showing the Good News of the Gospel to the uttermost. And it is lighting up the darkness. The Kingdom looks dif- ferent because of you. With Grace and Love, Your Open Doors Family CMA Glen Dubois is the Vice President of Missionary Ventures International. Replacing the Pictures of Horror And along with Bibles, men, women and children are now get- ting trauma counseling—because of you. There are millions of refugees scattered across the world; many are trying to return home, having been separated from their birth- place by war and violence. But because of you, through Run for the Son, thousands are receiving trau- ma counseling to help them replace the pictures of horror in their minds with the hope of peace. One Iraqi refugee child whose family fled ISIS described his walk from their village and what he saw Words Don’t Suffice So, again, thank you. This year, Open Doors is on the frontlines of persecution—with more than 60 years’ experience—standing with our CMA contributed $953,828 to Open brothers and sisters in Christ in the most dangerous Doors and to persecuted people places to be a Christian. around the world. People in coun- tries like Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Iraq, Malaysia, North Korea, Pakistan, and oth- ers—all now have John Ogden Sr. Bob Sandberg access to the September 6-9 Gospel because of AZ State Rally Ray Burns what you do Heber, AZ through this Dan Gromko National/International Chet Upp remarkable gift. Support Center The Word of God is Hatfield, AR Roger Wilson there because you September 13-16 are there through IN State Rally Charles Hale Run for the Son. Marion, IN September 14-15 Cummins Prison Visit Watch the news. Gould, AR Watch the coun- tries that are run- Lyle Herman ning from God and know that you’re making a differ- ence in these dark places. You are bringing light. (continued from page 13) ness is concerned, the most dan- gerous, object into the hands of men, women, and children who will use it to shatter the darkness around them. Stories like the one I shared earli- er about the little girl in North Korea who came to know Jesus— these transformative, eternal sto- ries are birthed out of your obedi- ence and sacrifice. Because it mat- ters to you, it now matters to her. Because you gave, she knows. She knows that God loves her, she knows that He redeems, she knows there is an eternal future of hope and peace because of your sacri- fice. Because you participated in Run for the Son, she can now walk with the Son. That is the greatest deliv- erance any of us could ever hope to receive. Now she has the shield, now she knows the glory, now she knows her Creator who lifts her head.