CMA HeartBeat September 2018 | Page 13

RFS Ministry Partner
How the power of the Word and your obedience are changing the world and advancing the Kingdom


past year , ( the past several years actually ), I
have seen some amazing things take place around the world . God has been working in some of the darkest places in the world . We are witnessing doors open , and thousands come to faith in Christ . Countries that have been opposed to Christianity for generations are softening , and we are all praying that God will not only continue to open borders but open hearts as well !
At the same time , we are also seeing a diminishing of “ light ” around the world and here in our own country . I ’ m not talking about politics or presidents or which cable news station you prefer — but rather , about a fundamental loss of hope .
There are so many articles in the news and on social media now that discuss the effects of people becoming more and more hopeless . A rise in depression , or at least a rise in those that seem to suffer under its burden . A rise in anger towards other people . We are getting more and more angry about what people think , not do . A rise among believers in the notion that prayer just isn ’ t enough anymore . A rise in the notion that the Bible is not even a book worth reading . In light of what we are seeing worldwide , this trend is especially heartbreaking .
Scripture Gives Us Everything We Need
That Psalmist says this : “ Many are saying of me , ‘ God will not
deliver him .’ But you , Lord , are a shield around me , my glory , the One who lifts my head high . I call out to the Lord , and he answers me from His holy mountain . I lie down and sleep ; I wake again , because the Lord sustains me . I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side ” ( Psalm 3:2-6 , NIV ).
I love reading the Psalms . They comfort , they challenge , they encourage and they calm me . And I love what this passage tells us : God does deliver us . He is a shield , our glory , the One who lifts our heads . He answers us , He sustains us when we can ’ t sustain ourselves . We can be fearless regardless of our circumstances .
This story was shared at the
National Rally this past June : In North Korea , a 12-year old girl discovered a copy of the Bible in a hidden closet . She didn ’ t mean to find it . “ I don ’ t know why , but I started to feel inside the cabinet with my hand . When I felt a book , I pulled it out . I opened the book and began to read : “ In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth .’” Shivering , she dropped the book . The girl didn ’ t know who had hidden the Bible , but she knew the discovery could cost her life . “ I was afraid to touch the book , but I couldn ’ t just leave it there ,” she said . Gathering her courage , she closed her eyes and put the Bible back into its hiding place .
Later , she learned that her father had hidden the Bible . He and her mother began to teach her about the Gospel . Today , she follows Jesus .
I can almost hear this little girl praying that passage from Psalm 3 . Praying for a shield , not knowing who the shield is . Praying for someone to lift her head high , but having no tender hands to do so . Wanting to call out , but fearful of who might respond . Wanting to be sustained while she lies down to sleep , and not having to fear the millions around her who might harm her if she is caught with … a Bible . And not yet knowing that one of the most powerful forces in the universe is in her hands — God ’ s Word . God ’ s promises in Scripture are breathtakingly powerful . Both in their words , and Who said the words . If God is all powerful , then His Word is all powerful .
2 Timothy 3:16-17 ( NASB ) tells us , “ All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching , for reproof , for correction , for training in righteousness ; so that the man of God may be adequate , equipped for every good work .” Everything we need to be equipped for the work of the gospel can be found in Scripture . It ’ s not just about God , it was inspired by God . The Gospel teaches , reproofs , corrects and trains us in every way we need .
The Word + Obedience When you realize that CMA , through Run for the Son , has delivered over 2,000,000 copies of the Bible into the darkest , harshest , most dangerous countries in the world , you start to understand the power that is found not only in God ’ s Word , but also in obedience . Your obedience to raise money , to serve , and to give towards Run for the Son has effectively put the most powerful , and as far as dark-
( continue on page 29 )
13⎪www . cmausa . org⎪September 2018