Club Penguin Metro Chronicle Issue 7 | Page 6

Time to vote at the polls

Penguins head their way over to the Vote Booths

With CP Metro


Issue 7 | 3 July 2017

Thousands of penguins all over CPR will come to the Dock from TODAY to vote.

This is due to the Colour Vote, where players vote what colour should be next. This comes almost 4 weeks after Vintage Penguin's similar vote, which resulted in a lavender victory. Nevertheless, it COULD bring similar results to CPR. The following colours to vote for are: dark red, maroon and lavender.

The results will be announced on the 5th of July, so vote while you still have the chance!

And you can be 100% sure, that here on CP Metro, we will provide all the latest updates about this election and its results and all news on CPR. And not to mention, news on CP Island as well.

Dark red supporters on Club Penguin Rewritten

A group of dark red supporters crowded the Town on Sunday.

This is all in the wake of the Colour Elections on Club Penguin Rewritten and is clear that dark red could win this election.