Clean Informer Magazine Spring 2016 | Page 16

ENTERTAINMENT and finds Anakin / Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber and has an extremely strong vision upon the touch of it, we all screamed at the screen trying to figure out WHERE REY COMES FROM. She probably isn’t a Solo, because for one Han and Leia would both have known it was their daughter they were meeting again, but also its doubtful that they would have dropped her off on Jakku when they kept Ben. But what IS clear is that she is heavy in the way of the force, and somehow has a connection to the family of Skywalker. Could she be the long lost daughter of Luke Skywalker? Again, that too is doubtful because he was busy building a new generation of Jedi, which was unraveled by his only nephew, Ben Solo. One theory that I personally like, and take it with a grain of salt, is the reincarnation theory. Anakin is said to have been born of a virgin. So, by those rules, if a virgin birth is possible, its also possible to be reincarnated- especially when there was so much speculation that Anakin was the “one” to restore balance back to the force. Clearly by the time he died as Darth Vader, the force couldn’t have been further away from being restored or balanced at all. However, I don’t think this means he still wasn’t the one- I just think that he had to come back, and as a female this time, to finish the job. And what symbolism if it IS Rey! Complete balance- good and evil, man and woman, birth and death. And when the film ends, I think that Luke knew it was the spirit of his father, back to finish what he started- in contrary to what Kylo Ren wants to do. Another aspect that rings very New Hope is the newest and greatest weapon of choice by the First Order- the Star Killer. It is literally a planet that has been converted into a sun soaking laser beam, capable of destroying SEVERAL planets in a pulse, which is exactly what the First Order does to half of the planets 16 that harbored the Republic. So basically its a supercharged Death Star. It honestly is awesomeand its also a weapon I could get behind because I understood the mechanics of it; it soaks up the sun of that planet, and once the sun goes out the weapon is fully charged. But as I ramble, and honestly this review could go on for the span of a Charles Dickens novel, let me sum up why this is the Star Wars film that fans NEEDED. It was a well thought out, well acted film full of practical effects that immersed you into the world that is Star Wars again. It made adults remember what they loved so much about the original films, and it gave a whole new generation of little Jedi heroes and villains of their own to love and hate. The movie has its flaws, all movies do- take it from a filmmaker writer here, there is no such thing as a perfect movie, someone is always going to hate something about it. But it does nothing short of taking you on a journey worthy of opening with that tagline “A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away”, while standing on its own. Sure, there are decades of history in the Star Wars story, but kids can go and watch it and love it having known nothing about the previous. Needless to say after the theater had cleared and the credits had finished rolling, I was still sitting in my seat, sobbing like a little kid- and not because it was sad, or because it was the perfect movie, but because for the first time in 30 years, Star Wars was really, REALLY back. And with movies scheduled until 2024, its here to stay.