--classstrugggle-flipmag CS Sep-2018 MKP | Page 5

In the conditions when the feudal kings were ruling; when the society was rotting and was faced with ever intensifying social contradictions, when the foreigners were resorting to invasions and wars against the tribal and feudal kingdoms with an aim of imposing their oppressive political domination over them; they rampaged and got themselves entrenched in vast areas of the country. The feudal kings, heads of some tribes stood by the imperialist powers and became their social base while the Portuguese, French and British imperialists were subjugating the feudal kings in various corners of the country using the might of their finance capital and armed force. The imperialist forces stood in support of feudalism. This was part of a history. Accordingly, the imperialists had done nothing to cure the diseases such as caste, tribe, culture, etc. in the light of modern and democratic ideas, but sustained them as they were. 5. Exactly, here comes the question, what will be the nature of revolution that must be consummated in India? What is the ideology which helps to completely change India’s social, economic, political and cultural system? What is the solution? The questions which have already cropped up are: Is it Marxism, Idealism or Reformism? We respect the genuineness and sacrificing work done by them within the limits of their understandings and take inspiration from them. At the same time, we must say that it remains a fact that there are differences in the Communist Movement on the question of Indian people establishing the state power of toilers overthrowing the rule of feudalism, imperialism and comprador bourgeoisie on the basis of proletarian ideology-Marxism Leninism Mao tse Tung Thought. Likewise, there are differences between the progressive forces, reformers, the forces of m ovement and the forces of Communist Movement. Though they are fraternal in nature, when the movements reached higher level and they became hurdles to the movements they had acquired an antagonistic character. We have had such experiences. Here the question is: Cannot we see the ideological and political differences objectively and as they are; make an earnest attempt to debate them in a healthy and democratic atmosphere basing on the facts and experiences and strive to overcome them instead of allowing the differences to reduce into mutual slandering and brandings thereby harming the interests of working class and other toiling people? Where the communists stand in relation the Manifesto of the Communist Party – which is the fundamental programmatic document for the revolutions in the world? The Communist Party (Bolshevik) in Russia led by Lenin concluded that the Bourgeois which led September - 2018 Bourgeois Democratic Revolutions in Europe cannot henceforth provide the leadership to the democratic revolution and the Proletariat alone can lead the Democratic Revolutionary Front. Adopting suitable tactics, it had established the Soviet Republic under the leadership of Working Class. Prior to this, it had the experience of Paris Commune where the Bourgeois could not stand to the end. Learning from this, the CPC had arrived at the conclusion that the Democratic Revolution in China will be carried on with the help of peasants and other small propertied classes under the leadership of working class. In place of old European Bourgeois Democratic Revolution, they carried as a New Democratic Revolution under the leadership of Working Class. This experience is the basis for understanding that it is applicable to all the Asian countries which are waging national liberation struggles and had agriculture as the main means of production. So, an understanding had come to the fore that imperialism is using the neo colonial methods of exploitation through comprador bourgeoisie and by making India’s feudal system as its social basis for its capitalist exploitation. We think this was the beginning for the differences in the Indian Communist Movement. There are differences between those forces who think that the Indian revolution is yet to be carried on as the democratic revolution and those forces who think that democratic revolution was already completed and it is the Socialist revolution that must be carried on. The tasks of democratic revolution and the tasks of socialist revolution are not one and the same. Therefore, there are serious differences between the orientation of those who think that we must pass over to socialism by completing the tasks of democratic revolution and the orientation of those who think that they are working for socialist revolution. To day, India had more nakedly opened the floodgates for the imperialist exploitation. We think, all the programmes carried out in the name of India’s welfare; all the moves in the name of development are tied to the interests of imperialism; Modern methods are combined with the methods of feudal exploitation; we think old feudal forces are carrying on the exploitation by combining the feudal economic exploitation, capitalist methods of exploitation through capital, state treasury and bureaucracy. This economic might is helping to capture the political power and to shoot up political power into a colossal economic power. Along with this, the differences based on caste, religion, social, culture and tradition are being sustained and are being used as a means of their economic exploitation, political authority and social arrogance. Therefore with added 5