--classstrugggle-flipmag CS Sep-2018 MKP | Page 11

led by working class . We also agree on forging an alliance of four classes with worker-peasant alliance as its axis and agrarian revolution as the main aspect of this revolution . There is further agreement that path to be followed to accomplish this democratic revolution in India is the path of protracted people ’ s war . Within this broad framework , the communist revolutionaries also have some differences relating to aspects of programme and path . However , among the forces which genuinely uphold the above orientation , aspect of unity is primary howsoever serious the differences may appear at the time .
There are changes brought about the imperialist exploitation of the country and policies of ruling big bourgeois , big landlord classes , though these changes have not changed the basic fabric of the society i . e . its semicolonial , semifeudal structure . However , these changes have to be properly understood and factored into the tasks of the revolutionary forces . Correct and timely appreciation of the changes is necessary for the revolutionary organizations to lead the struggle for the victorious advance of the New Democratic Revolution . A scientific approach towards such changes which is aimed at serving the cause of revolutionary transformation of Indian society will also help in overcoming some of the differences among the communist revolutionary organizations .
All the problems being faced by the revolutionary forces and all the differences existing on the various aspects of their line should definitely be debated and discussed among the communist revolutionary organizations . Coming to a common understanding on how to solve these problems is necessary for them to come closer and ultimately unite in a single Party to accomplish the New Democratic Revolution . The long term objective of the communist revolutionary forces is to achieve unity and not united action only . However , due to existing divisions among the communist revolutionary organizations , undertaking joint action among them on the burning issues of the people is also very necessary . Besides bringing the revolutionary people on a common platform and thus enthusing them , such joint actions also help improve relations among the communist revolutionary organizations and create an atmosphere in which their differences may be discussed and resolved in a comradely manner . Another important aspect of such joint struggles is that an alternative to the present system may be projected from such forum and issues may be taken to the people from the revolutionary perspective .
However , the struggle for revolutionary transformation is carried on in a given situation which has several characteristics . Struggle for change of the system i . e . its revolutionary transformation is distinct from the struggle to defend the rights of the
September - 2018 people including resisting fascist offensive of the present rulers . Though there are interconnections between the two types of struggles , yet these are also distinct . Clarity on this is necessary to take initiatives . It is necessary to take joint activities with forces including non-revolutionary forces on issues of the people and anti-people policies of the Central and State Governments .
The attacks of the ruling classes against the working class , peasantry and other sections of people call for immediate struggles of these sections against such attacks both at all India level targeting the Central Government and at state level targeting the State Governments as all these are following antipeople policies serving the interests of imperialism , big capitalists and big landlords . Forces other than communist revolutionaries have base among these sections and take up struggles on such issues though they take up such issues from the standpoint of the present system . Need for waging such struggles demands joint action by communist revolutionaries with non-revolutionary forces and organizations . The objective of such a joint action is to draw the broadest sections of the affected people into struggle and beat back the attack of the ruling classes to create confidence among the people and educate them in the process of the struggle . Most of such issues relate to contemporary attacks on different sections and there is need to draw the broadest section of the people into such struggles . These do not basically attack the present semifeudal and semicolonial system but are mostly limited to defending or achieving some rights within the system . Hence , it is preferable that such moves for joint struggle should be taken by mass organizations working among the section of the people affected by the attack of the ruling classes . The same may hold true for implementation of some legal rights of the section of the people or for the demand for some legal right to be enacted which has become the pressing concern of the people . Several such initiatives are being taken up on the issues relating to different sections .
The present situation calls for all out resistance against the fascist offensive of RSS-BJP . This offensive reflects the need of the ruling classes to increase exploitation and oppression of the people in the interest of imperialism and domestic reactionaries . A section of ruling classes is backing fascist RSS-BJP as they feel the need to suppress democratic rightseven those given in the Constitution-to suppress the rising struggles of the people . Besides democratic rights , RSS-BJP are also attacking secularism and federalism even to the extent it is enshrined in the Constitution . They are building a narrative of Hindu nationalism constructed on the plank against Muslims whom they are targeting under different pretexts and brand many of them as ‘ infiltrators ’. One of the main