--classstrugggle-flipmag CS Nov-2018 MKP | Page 11

itself was thoroughly democratic, with elective and always removable boards. This alone barred all hankering after conspiracy, which requires dictator- ship, and the League was converted—for ordinary peace times at least—into a pure propaganda society. These new Rules were submitted to the communities for discussion—so democratic was the procedure now followed —then once again debated at the Second Congress and finally adopted by the latter on December 8, 1847. They are to be found reprinted in Wermuth and Stieber, Vol. 1, p. 239, Appendix X. The second Congress took place during the end of November and beginning of December of the same year. Marx also attended this time and expounded the new theory in a fairly long debate—the congress lasted at least ten days. All contradiction and doubt were finally set at rest, the new basic principles were unanimously adopted, and Marx and I were commissioned to draw up the Manifesto. This was done immediately afterwards. A few weeks before the February Revolution it was sent to London to be printed. Since then it has travelled round the world, has been translated into almost all languages and today still serves in numerous countries as a guide for the proletarian movement. In place of the old League motto, “All Men Are Brothers,” appeared the new battle cry, “Working Men of All Countries, Unite!” which openly proclaimed the international character of the struggle. Seventeen years later this battle cry resounded throughout the world as the watchword of the International Working Men’s Association, and today the militant proletariat of all countries has inscribed it on its banner. The February Revolution broke out. The London Central Committee functioning hitherto immediately transferred its powers to the Brussels leading circle. But this decision came at a time when an actual state of siege already existed in Brussels, and the Germans in particular could no longer assemble anywhere. We were all of us just on the point of going to Paris, and so the new Central Committee decided like wise to dissolve, to hand over all its powers to Marx and to empower him immediately to constitute a new Central Committee in Paris. Hardly had the five persons who adopted this decision (March 3, 1848) separated, before the police forced their way into Marx’s house, arrested him and compelled him to leave for France on the following day, which was just where he was wanting to go. In Paris we all soon came together again. There the following document was drawn up and signed by all the members of the new Central Committee. It was distributed throughout Germany and many a one can still learn something from it even today: November - 2018 DEMANDS OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY IN GERMANY 1. The whole of Germany shall be declared a single indivisible republic. 3. Representatives of the people shall be paid so that workers also can sit in the parliament of the German people. 4. Universal arming of the people. 7. The estates of the princes and other feudal estates, all mines, pits, etc., shall be transformed into state property. On these estates, agriculture is to be conducted on a large scale and with the most modern scientific means for the benefit of all society. 8. Mortgages on peasant holdings shall be declared state property; interest on such mortgages shall be paid by the peasants to the state. 9. In the districts where tenant farming is developed, land rent of farming dues shall be paid to the state as a tax. 11. All means of transport; railways, canals, steam ships, roads, post, etc., shall be taken over by the state. They are to be converted into state property and put at the disposal of the non- possessing class. 14. Limitation of the right of inheritance. 15. Introduction of a steeply graded progressive taxation and abolition of taxes on consumer goods. 16. Establishment of national workshops. The state shall guarantee a living to all workers and provide for those unable to work. 17. Universal free elementary education. It is in the interest of the German proletariat, of the petty bourgeoisie and peasantry, to work with all possible energy to put the above measures through. For only by their realisation can the millions in Germany, who up to now have been exploited by a small number of people and whom it will be attempted to keep in further subjection, get their rights and the power that are their due as the producers of all wealth. The Committee: Karl Marx, Karl Schapper, H. Bauer, F. Engels, F. Moll, W. Wolff At that time the craze for revolutionary legions prevailed in Paris. Spaniards, Italians, Belgians, Dutch, Poles and Germans flocked together in crowds to liberate their respective fatherlands. The German legion was led by Herwegh, Bornsted, Bornstein. Since immediately after the revolution all foreign workers not only lost their jobs but in addition were harassed by the public, the influx into these legions was very great. The new government saw in them, a means of getting rid of foreign workers and granted them letape du soldat, that is, quarters along their line of march and a marching allowance of fifty centimes per day 11