--classstrugggle-flipmag CS May-2019 MKP | Page 11

interest, and even less the interests of the workers, but the profits of the monopoly groups that support these forces. We have to demand the regularisation and parity of wages and rights for immigrant workers, the abrogation of the racist laws and measures. This is very important, in consideration of the economic and social basis of present-day nationalism. The revolutionary proletariat must be the pioneer of the unity of the working class in the struggle against every form of chauvinism, national hate, racial and religious prejudice, the most determined defender of the oppressed nations, the pioneer of the struggle by all means of the dependent and colonial countries against imperialism. What is necessary is to work, in each context, in order to unmask all the social-patriotic, chauvinist and bourgeois nationalist positions and phrases, and to explain that the freedom and independence of nations are unthinkable without the revolutionary break with imperia- lism, without the defeat of the bourgeoisie of the oppressor and oppressed countries. In the imperialist countries it is necessary to oppose utterly the policy of the “sacred union”, of the “governments of national unity”, of “national emergency” and of “national defence”, spreading and sustaining the slogan “NO to national unity with the imperialists”. Most of all in the imperialist countries, in the oppressing and war-mongering States, it is necessary to struggle resolutely against all types of occupation and imperialist violence – first of all the violence of one’s own imperialism – for the independence of the colonies and the liberation of the oppressed nations, for the complete equality of rights of nations, for the right of self- determination, up to secession, for all the oppressed nations, for the sovereignty , freedom and national independence of the peoples April, May - 2019 against the oppression and the exploitation of imperialism and capitalism. The aid to the struggles for the self-determination of the peoples is a constant of internationalist practice. Only the revolutionary policies of the proletariat defend in a consistent way the sovereignty, freedom and independence of the peoples, which coincides, in most cases, with the interests of the revolution and socialism. Therefore we have to call for the common struggles of the proletariat of the oppressor nations and of the revolutionary movements of the proletariat of the oppressed nations and colonies. As far as concerns the struggle for peace and against imperialist war, we emphasize the necessity to concentrate the activity against the principal imperialist instigators of war at a particular moment, and the necessity to combine the struggle against the war with the struggle against reaction and fascism, to strengthen the struggle against the arms race among the imperialists, against the establishment of police States, for the withdrawal from the warmongerings alliances (such as NATO) and the withdrawal of the troops sent abroad, for the support to the struggles and liberation wars of the peoples subjugated by imperialism. We must give particular attention to the struggle against chauvinist ideology, in order to free the masses from xenophobic prejudices and to struggle against the preparation of a new world imperialist war. It is up to us to fight the ideological mystifications and the falsifications of the history of the peoples, enlightening the working classes about the past, connecting the present struggles to the revolutionary traditions. We have the task of mer- cilessly denouncing and unmasking the sophisms and rhetoric of the social-democrats and the trade union bureaucrats, the shameful class collaboration policy, the policy of sacrifices “for the national interest”, the social-patriotism, socialimpe-rialism, pacifist phrases that mask the imperialist and war- mongering plans of the bourgeoisie. We must conduct this struggle with particular energy within the workers’ movement and also within the ranks of the progressive and communist parties, chiefly in those that are working in the imperialist countries, in which the ideological influences and prejudices of the imperialist bourgeoisie and reformism are variously reflected. Owing to the growth of chauvinism and fascism, the work for the development of the policy of a proletarian united front and, on its basis, of a popular front, is an imperative task for all communists and revolutionaries. We have to try our best for the establishment of popular, antifascist and anti-imperialist fronts (or alliances, blocs, coalitions, etc.), which gather – under the leadership of the proletariat – the small farmers, the impoverished urban workers, the masses of the oppressed nationa- lities, the genuine progressive and democratic forces, on the basis of a program of specific demands of these sectors of workers, in line with the fundamental interests of the proletariat. The decisive question for the formation of these popular fronts is the resolute action of the proletariat for the defence of its own interests in combination with the defence of the demands of the other exploited working people. Clearly, in each country there exist a certain number of crucial questions, of fundamental demands, which the large masses of the workers support. The formation of the popular fronts can be accelerated around these demands. January 2018 (Courtesy: Revolutionary Democracy) ™ 11