--classstrugggle-flipmag CS May-2018 MKP | Page 7

progressive thoughts and political consciousness. They created a revolutionary impact throughout the country. But yet they could not be the motive force leading the Chinese revolution to success. A trend in Student movement Some politicians have, of late, raised such slogans - students, leave the educational institutions; go to villages; mix with the peasants; propagate politics of revolution. These cannot be done by attending schools and colleges. So, go to villages by leaving schools, colleges and universities. This system of education is the fulcrum of this decaying society. So it must be destroyed. Boycott examinations. Are such slogans correct? Tw o things must be examined to find out whether a slogan is correct or wrong. First, why is a slogan being given? And secondly, when is the slogan being given? 1. Why will a student cadre be sent to the village or to the working class? Communists should be, at the same time, both a student and a teacher. To teach revolutionary theory to the masses one must become a student as well of the masses. Then only can one qualify himself for propagating revolu- tionary theory and become an organiser. So while trying to disseminate the theory of revolution, he must stay with them, must share the stresses and strains of their life. This is why he should live among the peasant in villages and among the workers in cities. And as the peasantry constitute by far the greatest numerical strength in the revolutionary camp. It is necessary to place large number of political cadres in the rural belt. Herein lays the urgency of sending revolutionary intellectuals in large numbers to the villages. The work requires patience and theoretical knowledge. Time as well as adequate training is needed for May - 2018 this. But why are the students being sent to villages now by giving “leave the colleges” slogan? They are being sent to participate in operation extermination. The idea of those people who are giving this slogan to leave educational institutions, is that the local reactionaries must be killed one by one by secret guerrilla units and only in this way can the local people be awakened. These extermination operations are being called “actions”. Students are being sent to villages to lead and participate in these actions, and not to preach revolutionary theories, or build a revolutionary party or mass organisation. This theory of action is against the “people’s war” theory of comrade Mao Tse-tung. Leave the colleges will not be a revolutionary slogan if the students are asked to go to villages for this action. Another thing must be made clear. Those who are going to villages may do so by revolutionary impulse. But they cannot do serious revolutionary work if they do not acquire complete competence for this. To build up revolutionary struggle and organisation is a tough job. Strong determination, patience, courage and correct theoretical knowledge are needed for this. It must be seen whether a cadre possesses these qualities before sending him to build up revolutionary organi- sations in village or in a workers’ colony. If he does not have these qualifications he will do harm instead of doing good. Revolu- tionary organisation cannot build only with revolutionary impulse. The first necessity for the success of revolution is the existence of a real communist party. The revolutionary forces are rising in India with a tremendous speed. These forces fail to proceed in the proper way for the absence of a correct leadership of a party. There exists much theoretical confusion in the revolutionary camp. The revolution is not proceeding along the correct line as a result of wrong application of correct theories or application of incorrect theories. And no real revolutionary Party has emerged as yet. When there is no real party, the main task should be to strive to build up a real party and not to send student cadres indiscrimi- nately to rural areas en masse. Ideological battle must be carried on in building up the party, relentless theoretical war must be continued against all sorts of deviations. At the same time, every revolutionary cadre must take part in all class struggles and mass movements. Through all these works a revolutionary leadership will emerge and develop. Only a revolutionary party leadership can send bathes of students in a planned manner to participate in movements on necessary occasions and can direct them properly under the control of the leadership. When even this primary revolutionary work is not done the slogan of leaving schools and colleges is not only a deviation from revolutionary politics, but is also a slogan to create chaos and anarchy among the student community. The student community can be consistent in the revolution only when the basic masses carry on an uninterrupted revolutionary struggle. The students of Telangana can out of their educational institutions in 1949 and participated in the movement along with the peasants only after the peasantry carried on their struggle to the optimum. Of course, students have work to do at the first stage of revolution. Advanced students with revolutionary political consciousness and character will definitely go to villages in a planned way to awaken the peasants with revolutionary politics. They will unite with the workers in cities to organise 7