--classstrugggle-flipmag CS May-2018 MKP | Page 6

the labouring masses is their liberation too. They are also exploited, the difference being, the workers and peasants are more directly exploited. They have to come to the united front of revolutionary classes. There is no other way. Students are the exploited section, not only in an economic sense of the term, but also in the sphere of education. The edu- cation they receive, unfit to serve the masses, only make them adept in exploiting the people. The bookish knowledge they get, unrelated to reality, they realise later, have made them cogs in a vast machine. They find themselves on the opposite side of the barricade, arrayed against the people. This perverted system has produced only weaklings, whose lives are centered round pay- packets. A student has no choice before him in the matter of subject he wants to learn, chances of getting a job is the criterion. One who wants to learn English literature goes in for Economics. In this system the talk of free development of personality is humbug. Extracurricular activities are discouraged. Their talents are wasted. Their youthful vigour is lost in the welter of economic, social and political taboos. Students have no say in making the syllabi or in the mode of instruction. On the other hand, the authorities enjoy absolute liberty of actions, of serving the interest of the exploiters. They sow the seeds of reaction at the behest of the ruling class and its mentor, US imperialism and propagate the virtues of Yankee culture. Liberation of the student community is impossible unless this system is resolutely fought and crushed. To achieve this student must join the ranks of people’s democratic forces, the workers and peasants. 6 Come Forward Young Intelle- ctuals, Students & Youths The intellectuals and the students have to mix thoroughly with the working class and the peasantry. They have to be one with them. They have to serve the people. Their petty-bourgeois mentality which tries to keep them away from revolution will disappear gradually if they try to be one with the people. Only in this way can they become real revolutionaries and can dedicate themselves to the bigger cause by giving up their own class interest. Only then can they be able to unite with the progressive classes and give up their own class position. But the task is not easy. They have to bring this change. The intellectuals and students have to go among the workers and peasants to unite and organise them. The main task will be to propagate politics among them. The intellectuals and students will in this way help in forging a political united front of the toiling masses. What is the class character of the Students? A large section of young intellectuals is the student community. Students do not belong to any particular class, because young men and women of all classes are there among them. They are young in age. So the forces of reaction can influence them little. They have a tremendous life-force. They are very much interested to learn new things. They have less conser- vatism in their thought. They have a strong sense of Justice. They are always ready to oppose injustice. A great advantage for them is than they have time at their disposal. They can spend this time in revolutionary work. For all these, the student community as a whole, is always progressive and a party to the people’s democratic front. Build yourself in the light of Mao’s Thought Mao wrote, “How should we judge whether a youth is a revolutionary? How can we tell? There can only be one criterion namely, whether or not he is willing to integrate himself with the broad masses of workers and peasants and does so in practice. If he is willing to do so and actually do so, he is a revolutionary; otherwise he is a non-revolutionary or a counter revolutionary. If today he integrates himself with the masses of workers and peasants, then today he is a revolutionary; if tomorrow he ceases to do so or turns round to oppress the common people, then he becomes a non-revolutionary or counter-revolutionary.” The Chinese youths and students occupied the front rank during the historic May 4 th Movement in China in 1919. How could they do this? Intellectuals and students were the first to realise the need for a revolution to win freedom from the yoke of exploitation, as they possessed some progressive consciousness derived from their education. If political consciousness and the sense of revolutionary self- sacrifice intermingle, the intellectuals acquire a revolutionary character. Youths and students fought from the forefront during the May 4 th Movement because they believed in revolutionary politics and were ready to sacrifice everything for the interest of the masses. As a result, they could show courage and take a leading role in the movement. Moreover, the Chinese working class was not advanced and united at that time. The Communist Party of China was not yet there. As a result, the movement was deprived of such a party leadership. So the working class could not come to the forefront of the movement. In this situation the intellectuals and students came to the forefront of the movement with their Class Struggle