--classstrugggle-flipmag CS May-2018 MKP | Page 5

imperialist front. But can revolutions be completed by relying only on them? No, because they are not the main force in the revolutionary struggle. Why not? Why can’t they give leadership in the revolutionary struggle? They know so much, they have learnt so much! The reasons can be divided into three categories. First, the most progressive section in a capitalist society is the working class. They are related to the most advanced productive system. This class is the most organised, the most united. This class is the most selfless because they have nothing to lose but chains. Therefore, they can throw their selves in the struggle without any hesitation and suffer any amount of sacrifice. At the same time, they are modest, unlike the intelligentsia who are proud of their learning. For this reason, the working class alone can give revolutionary leadership. The intelligentsia and the student community lack these distinctions of the working class. Therefore, they cannot be leaders in the revolutionary struggle. Secondly, the intelligentsia mainly belongs to the petty- bourgeoisie.The petty-bourgeoisie are parasites. Even when they do not directly exploit they partake the fruits of exploitation. They are exploiters and the exploited at the same time. Society advances on the basis of the development of productive forces, when a particular productive relation becomes an impediment in the development of productive forces, the advance- ment of society is hampered unless that relation is altered. When feudal productive relations had been hampering the growth of productive forces, the new capitalist productive relations were created. Its driving power was the new born bourgeoisie. Feudalism was replaced by capitalism. To-day, capitalist relations cannot carry May - 2018 society forward. New relations have to be brought in. The new relations will be socialistic and its driving force will be the working class. This new society will be built on the basis of friendship with broad peasant masses. In the place of capitalism there will be socialism, the petty- bourgeoisie, partners in the old rotten productive system of capitalism cannot be the main force behind this social change, cannot give leadership in this process. Thirdly, many people think that the members of the intelligentsia are well-read and they know everything. But it is not true. Whatever they may learn, their knowledge is partial, incomplete, because it is derived from bookish study. Real knowledge can be had only through work, through application of knowledge to social practice. Unless one participates in the productive-processes, and join the class struggle, no knowledge can be complete. If anyone wants to acquire correct knowledge about any subject, he must get in direct touch with it. He must get his hands into it. Otherwise his knowledge will remain imperfect. Therefore it is important to take part in social practice, in any productive process. It is because of this that despite lack of formal knowledge, a worker and a peasant knows more than a member of the intelligentsia. Being a participant in the production process, being instrumental in social change, he carries forward the task of revolution and hence historical development. A member of the intelligentsia, in the absence of this experience, can have only a partial understanding. Therefore, he can not belong to the leadership of revolutionary struggle. The educational system in India was created by the colonial power in the interest of having a comprador class in this country. The system today supplies the manpower needed to preserve the imperialist mode of exploitation and feudal pattern of relations. Its use is to produce robot-like men to aid exploitation. The neo-liberal policies being implemented at the behest of imperialist financial institutions are shaping the education system into a profit making sector. At the same time, it is being designed to turn the Indian youth into tools who apply technology, but never able to gain the scientific knowledge needed to develop our own appropriate technologies. This perpetuates our dependency on the imperialist countries. Those who cannot give up illusions about this system meant only to help exploiter class, are unable grasp the working class politics. Exploited Petty-bourgeoisie The petty-bourgeois intelli- gentsia is also the exploited. How? Most of them are employees dependent on salaries. Their emoluments do not increase corresponding to the price rise of commodities. As a result, their condition is getting worse day by day, particularly so since they have to preserve the trappings of gentlemanliness. Unemployment, the inevitable outcome of an all round crisis, has assumed monstrous proportions, students cannot look forward any more to getting jobs. At this stage of economic crisis, these sections cannot keep their identity and are bound to get declassed. They are ground by the giant exploitative machine, the common victims of capitalism. The much-trumpeted free enterprise is a cover to hide the hideous fight of big fish gobbling small fry! The petty bourgeois have no roots. To belong to the bourgeoisie is beyond their power, but they feel humili ated at the same time to be one with the proletariat. Of course, in the end in their own interest, they will join the PDF. The liberation of 5