--classstrugggle-flipmag CS May-2018 MKP | Page 4

Document :

Youth and Students should Unite under the Political Banner of the Working Class

India is a semi-feudal , semicolonial state . What is the principal contradiction in this state ? It is the contradiction between the alliance of imperialism , feudalism and comprador bourgeoisie on the one hand and the people on the other . The people , the exploited classes are the workers , peasants , small traders , national bourgeoisie and the petty-bourgeoisie . The pettybourgeoisie comprises the intelligentsia that is , teachers , students , office employees , engineers , doctors and so on . They are all exploited and constitute the masses . The only solution of the principal contradiction in Indian society is a people ’ s democratic revolution , which will be completed when under the leadership of the communist party a people ’ s democratic state will be founded by means of people ’ s armed struggle . A revolutionary front has to be formed by uniting all exploited people in the country opposed to imperialism and feudalism . This front will

� the ultimate working of of these every day struggles . They ought not to forget that they are fighting with effects , but not with causes of those effects ; that they are retarding the downward movement , but not changing its direction ; that they are applying palliatives , not curing the malady . They ought , therefore , not to be exclusively absorbed in these unavoidable guerrilla fights incessantly springing up from the never ceasing encroachments of capital or changes of the market . They ought to understand that , with all the miseries it imposed upon them , the present system simultaneously engenders the material conditions 4 destroy feudalism and comprador capitalism and will root out imperialism from the country . Revolutionary Front and the Intelligentsia

So , the first and foremost task is the formation of a revolutionary front under the leadership of the proletariat and its political party , the communist party , the main force being the peasantry . Other classes and people ruthlessly oppressed by the ruling clique will be in the front as potential allies . Among them a big section is the pettybourgeoisie , intelligentsia and the student community . So it is essential to bring them into the revolutionary front . Every member of the intelligentsia , who is honest and patriotic , has to be brought into within the front . The reason is , “ The young people are the most active and vital force in society . They are the most eager to learn and the least conservative in their thinking .”
Students are the biggest section among the youth , therefore
and the social forms necessary for an economic reconstruction of society . Instead of the conservative motto : “ A fair wage for a fair day ’ s work ”, they ought to inscribe on their banner the revolutionary watch word : “ Abolition of the wage system ”. ( Wage , Price and Profit )
To lead these class struggles to the abolition of wage slavery , that is capitalism , needs the leadership of the vanguard of proletariat that is Communist Party .
In India , the communist movement is passing through difficult times facing right and left deviations and revisionist treachery . Surmounting these obstacles ( ideological , political and the importance of students in a people ’ s democratic revolution can ’ t be minimised . Because of various social factors they have had the opportunity for learning unlike workers and peasants . To organise workers and peasants and to propagate revolutionary thoughts among them , the help of the intelligentsia is needed . But it is not enough to get them inside the party . Their class character has to be changed and they have to be imbued with the thought of the working class . The ultimate aim is to transform them into workers as well , and with their help create intellectuals from among the working class . The ruling class always tries to purchase the intelligentsia to suit their requirements . The task of the revolutionaries will be to frustrate their game . Intelligentsia : A Force in the Revolutionary United Front
It is true that the intelligentsia and the students are a powerful force in the anti-feudal , antiorganisational ) building a genuine revolutionary communist party is the need of the hour . Without a communist party the New Democratic Revolution cannot progress in India .
Let us rededicate ourselves to the task of building a genuine communist party and lead the people to new democratic revolution and make it a success . This is the spirit of May Day . This is the guidance that Marx has given to the working class of the world .
We will always cherish the memory of Karl Marx ! Long Live May Day ! Long Live Marxism-Leninism and Mao ’ s Thought ! �
Class Struggle