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in 1987 and has been strengthened too. The spread of neo-liberal policies have been identified as a solution to the profitability crisis. The forum could put serious efforts to popularize their policies. All this resulted in the emergence of the process of globalization. With this Global capital could establish a tight grip on the world economy. It is significant to note that during the same 1970’s decade the critical studies on Indian economy could clearly identified the reality that the movement of our economy is not towards “Socialist Pattern of Socie ty”. As early as during 1970’s Com. Tarimela Nagi Reddy with his scholarly studies could recognize that the structure of Indian economy have been in distortion, their movement is in the opposite direction of self Reliance, entire industrial sector along with public sector is under the hold and control of foreign investment and could state, finally that India is Mortgaged. All this, he could explain clearly in his famous book ‘India Mortgaged’. The distortion in the structures of our economy resulted in the impossi- bility of enough Employment generation, consequently the Indian economy which is characterized by unemployment seriously faced severe challenges of poverty, hunger and deficiency of nutritious food in the same decade. All these issues are clearly exposed by the studies of VM Dandekar and Rath. If the main aim of the Indian ruling class is to establish the social society free from all kinds of exploitation, oppression and violence it could have taken measures to correct the distortions. Contrarily the comprador bourgeois ruling class has transferred all the economic policies into neo-liberal policies. It has successfully liberalised all the policies related to licensing, foreign exchange August - 2018 restrictions and Industrial policies. Further everybody knows that the ruling classes welcome the entry of globalization with red carpet treatment, on the name of 1990- 91 New Economic Policy, to handover Indian economy to Corporate Monopoly Capital. The solution to profitability crisis lies in raising profits. What is the source of profit? Labour and nature are the true sources of value. Therefore the exploitation of labour and environment is the source of profits. In this context what will happen to the life of oppressed with the emergence of Globalization as a solution to the crisis of Monopoly Capitalism? What will happen to the environment which has highly been exploited continuously? The oppressed lose their livelihood, no earnings, live in miserable conditions, and stand for work, with helplessness. This gives a further chance to the capitalist for more exploitation. Moreover, the destruction of environment resulted in deforestation and disappearance of collective property resources which made the lives of poor more critical. The profit-thrust of capital naturally results in the concentration of created wealth in few capitalist classes. As a result the reserve Army of proletariat emerges with unemployment and underemploy- ment. They continue to survive in miserable poverty. This has been clearly predicted by the Karl Marx in his ‘Capital’ as early as 150 years ago. All these facts are clearly visible to all now. Marx Strongly indicated that the emancipation from exploitation will be possible only when the oppressed build strongly collective struggles and movements. However in order to make it impossible to the ‘World Economic Forum’ strongly attacks on the way of thinking of people as well as on the structures of culture. It could articulate the culture of society and thoughts of people for the interest of dominant class. What are the issues that are discussed by World Economic Forum? What decisions implemented by it? Though it is popularized as a nonprofit forum it could dictate the Global commerce connected to profits. Similarly the forum does not possess any legal or legislative or executive powers to take decisions and to implement them on the local issues to global issues. Despite this, it works powerfully as a “Capable of wealthy Elites in business and government and arranges meetings to facilitate on agenda of integration of global economy intended to benefit large Trans National Corporations (TNCs) and industrially advanced Nations at the expense of oppressed, working class, environment and local as well as non-local culture. Therefore the Forum is called as “Wolf in Sheep clothing”. This forum strongly state that the lives of majority, agri- culture, environment, the interest of society and culture are useless and waste in front of the power of Global capital. The Forum creates a favorable environment for meeting of all top level personalities to discuss so as to mould stru- ctures of global economy towards the interest of dominant class. The Forum extends strong support and stands as a backbone to the World Bank, IMF and WTO which work officially to strengthen the domination of powerful corporate forces, Global commerce leaders and imperialist Nations. It tries to build a strong basis towards this and. Thus WEF is quite paradoxical and fundamentally a knowledge Institution and extends intellectual support for strengthening the dominance of dominant class. What issues are discussed by WEF? What are their solutions? What are the reports prepared by this forum? 9